Crystal/Sunrise Update (28.02.2025)

Game Store - Crystal
The cost of items has been returned to their original state:
Certificate of Assignments - 20 unit.
Battle Pass Points Ticket - 0.99 unit.
Hunting Pass - Sunrise/Crystal
Will be updated 01.03.25 at 6:30 GMT +3
The amount of quest points rewarded for completing daily/weekly missions has been returned to the original amount.
Task Level - Sunrise/Crystal
Will be updated 01.03.25 at 6:30 GMT +3

Game Store - Sunrise/Crystal
Increased Amount of L-Coin in Chests
Number of coins in
Chests with L-Coins increased from 5,000,000 → to 6,000,000 pcs.;
Number of coins in
L-Coin Chests (at a discount) 5,000,000 → up to 6,000,000 pcs.;
Number of coins in
Chests with L-Coins increased from 5,000,000 → to 12,000,000 pcs.;
Number of coins in
L-Coin Chests (at a discount) 5,000,000 → up to 12,000,000 pcs.;
Special Creation (other) - Crystal
Improved exchange of Spell Book Coupons 1-4*, increased amount of L-Coin received
Coupon for the Book of Spells 1*
L-Coin х500.000 → x1.000.000.
Coupon for the Book of Spells 2*
L-Coin х1.000.000 → x2.000.000.
Coupon for the Book of Spells 3*
L-Coin х1.500.000 → x3.000.000.
Coupon for the Book of Spells 4*
L-Coin x12.250.000 → x24.500.000.
L-Coin - Sunrise/Crystal
Increased daily limits on L-Coins drop from mobs per day (without penalty)
Character level | Number of L-Coins |
1-79 levels | 752 810 |
80 level | 1 656 199 |
81 level | 1 882 641 |
82 level | 2 107 888 |
83 level | 2 333 736 |
84 level | 2 558 553 |
85 level | 2 785 453 |
86 level | 3 011 287 |
87 level | 3 237 121 |
88 level | 3 462 990 |
89 level | 3 688 839 |
90 level | 3 914 674 |
91 level | 4 140 533 |
92 level | 4 366 366 |
93-99 levels | 4 592 280 |
Daily limits on L-Coins drop from mobs per day have been doubled (without penalty)
Character level | Number of L-Coins |
1-79 levels | 1 505 620 |
80 level | 3 312 398 |
81 level | 3 765 282 |
82 level | 4 215 776 |
83 level | 4 667 472 |
84 level | 5 117 106 |
85 level | 5 570 906 |
86 level | 6 022 574 |
87 level | 6 474 242 |
88 level | 6 925 980 |
89 level | 7 377 678 |
90 level | 7 829 348 |
91 level | 8 281 066 |
92 level | 8 732 732 |
93-99 levels | 9 184 560 |
Introduction of new February End Box - Sunrise/Crystal
It is possible to purchase 10 chests per account with 30 Units.
February End Box
L-Coins x17,000,000 (Sunrise)
L-Coins x35,000,000 (Crystal)
Elmoraden's Treasure №30/№8 x200
Heart Piece Box x200
Dandy Ball x15
Einhasad Protection x15
Boss Accessory Fragment x80
Seal of Knowledge x5
Seals of Power x15
Doll Summon Coupon (heroic) x1
New Elmoraden's Treasure (lootbox) - Sunrise/Crystal
Lootbox Gameplay Introduction №30 for Sunrise Server
Lootbox Gameplay Introduction №8 for Crystal Server
Elmoreden's Jewels (with NON-transferable items)
Price: 200 L-Coins per 1 pc (1000 pcs per day). Purchased in the L-Coin Shop.
Contains sealed items (CANNOT be transferred):
Sayha Blessing
Sayha's Storm
Spirit Ore
Berserker's Scroll
Scroll: Enchant Stats
Scroll: Boost Defense
Scroll: Boost Attack
Jewel Coupon
Growth Rune Fragment
Giran Seal Pack
Magic Lamp Charging Potion
Hidden Power Booster
Dye Booster
Charging Stone of Regular Craft - 1 Charge
Aden's Soul Crystal Lv. 1 - Weapon
Aden's Soul Crystal Lv. 1 - Armor
Augmenting Stone: Accessory
Magic Tablet
Spellbook Coupon - 1 Star
Spellbook Coupon - 2 Star
Spellbook Coupon - 3 Star
Hardin Soul Crystal
Paagrio Soul Crystal Lv. 1
Elixir Powder
Boss Accessory Fragment
Cursed Scroll Weapon A
Cursed Scroll Armor A
Improved Scroll Weapon A
Improved Scroll Armor A
Special Armor Coupon
Boss Weapon Coupon
Summon Coupon Doll Improved Grade
Scroll of Blessing: Weapon
Scroll of Blessing: Armor Sealed
Scroll Enchant Rare Accessories (sealed)
Augmenting Stone: Special Equipment
Augmenting Stone: Circlet
Ancient Adena
Improved Scroll Enchant Rare Accessories (sealed)
Summon Coupon Doll Top Grade
Crystal of the Tower of Insolence
Frost Lord's Weapon Crystall
Chest with Rare Accessories (sealed)
Hellbound Energy
Refined Crystal
Augmenting Stone: Weapon
Augmenting Stone: Armor
Dye Booster lvl 2
Frost Lord's Weapon Coupon
Rare Accessories Coupon +1
Scroll: Enchant Talisman Baium
Doll Summon Coupon (Rare)
Boss Weapon Coupon +5.
Coupon for special Armor +5.
Boss Weapon Coupon +7.
Coupon for special Armor +7.
Armor of Protection Coupon
Transcendent Upgrade Stone
Aden Soul Crystal Lv. 16 - Weapon
Aden Soul Crystal Lv. 16 - Armor
Hardin's Soul Crystal Lv. 16
Aden Soul Crystal Lv. 20 - Weapon
Aden Soul Crystal Lv. 20 - Armor
Hardin's Soul Crystal Lv. 20
Dye Booster Lv. 2
Frost Lord Weapon Coupon +5
Armor of Protection Coupon +5
Coupon SUMMONING dolls normal-heroic 1 time
Coupon SUMMON dolls normal-heroic 11 times
Frost Lord Weapon Coupon +7 (sealed)
Armor of Protection Coupon +7 (sealed)
Scroll of Saiha Patronage
Life Control Scroll (Sealed)
Scroll of Transformation
Stable Scroll: Enchant A-Rank Armor (Sealed)
Blessed Augmenting Stone: Armor (Sealed)
Rare Accessories Coupon +2 (Sealed)
Talisman of Baium (Sealed)
Rare Accessories Coupon +3 (Sealed)
Rare Accessories Coupon +4 (Sealed)
Aden Transcendent Soul Crystal Weapon Lv. 1 (Sealed)
Aden Transcendent Soul Crystal Armor Lv. 1 (Sealed)
Hardin`s Transcendent Soul Crystal Lv. 1 (Sealed)
Paagrio Transcendent Soul Crystal Lv. 1 (Sealed)
What new items have been added to this loot box?
Hardin`s Transcendent Soul Crystal Lv. 1 (Sealed)
Paagrio Transcendent Soul Crystal Lv. 1 (Sealed)
Increased the chance of receiving items for the Crystal server:
Spellbook Coupon - 1 Star (Sealed)
Spellbook Coupon - 2 Star (Sealed)
Spellbook Coupon - 3 Star (Sealed)
Elmoreden's Jewels (with TRANSFERABLE items)
Price: Elmoreden Ticket.
The Elmoreden Ticket is purchased in the Game Store (section - Strengthening) for 50 Unit.
Then exchanged for 500 Elmoreden Jewels in Special Craft → Events and Promotions Section.
Contains items (they CAN be transferred):
Aden's Soul Crystal Lv. 1 - Armor
Aden's Soul Crystal Lv. 1 - Weapon
Augmenting Stone: Accessory
Magic Tablet
Spellbook Coupon - 1 Star
Spellbook Coupon - 2 Star
Spellbook Coupon - 3 Star
Hardin Soul Crystal
Dye Booster
Paagrio Soul Crystal Lv. 1
Improved Scroll Weapon A
Improved Scroll Armor A
Cursed Scroll Weapon A
Cursed Scroll Armor A
Special Armor Coupon
Summon Coupon Doll Improved Grade
Boss Weapon Coupon
Scroll of Blessing: Weapon
Scroll of Blessing: Armor Sealed
Scroll Enchant Rare Accessories
Augmenting Stone: Special Equipment
Augmenting Stone: Circlet
Improved Scroll Enchant Rare Accessories
Summon Coupon Doll Top Grade
Crystal of the Tower of Insolence
Frost Lord's Weapon Crystall
Chest with Rare Accessories
Hellbound Energy
Refined Crystal
Augmenting Stone: Weapon
Augmenting Stone: Armor
Dye Booster lvl 2
Frost Lord's Weapon Coupon
Rare Accessories Coupon +1
Scroll: Enchant Talisman Baium
Doll Summon Coupon (Rare)
Boss Weapon Coupon +5.
Coupon for special Armor +5.
Boss Weapon Coupon +7.
Coupon for special Armor +7.
Armor of Protection Coupon
Transcendent Upgrade Stone
Aden Soul Crystal Lv. 16 - Weapon
Aden Soul Crystal Lv. 16 - Armor
Hardin's Soul Crystal Lv. 16
Aden Soul Crystal Lv. 20 - Weapon
Aden Soul Crystal Lv. 20 - Armor
Hardin's Soul Crystal Lv. 20
Dye Booster Lv. 2
Frost Lord Weapon Coupon +5
Armor of Protection Coupon +5
Baium`s Soul
Stable Scroll: Enchant Armor (Sealed)
Купон ПРИЗЫВА куклы обычные-героические 1 раз
Купон ПРИЗЫВА куклы обычные-героические 11 раз
Frost Lord Weapon Coupon +7
Armor of Protection Coupon +7
Scroll of Saiha Patronage
Life Control Scroll (Sealed)
Scroll of Transformation (Sealed)
Stable Scroll: Enchant Armor
Stable Scroll: Enchant Accessories (Sealed)
Queen Ant`s Crystal
Orfen`s Crystal
Zaken's Crystal
Core`s Crystal
Baium`s Crystal
Blessed Augmenting Stone: Armor
Rare Accessories Coupon +2
Stable Scroll: Enchant Weapon
Talisman of Baium
Rare Accessories Coupon +3
Rare Accessories Coupon +4
Aden Transcendent Soul Crystal Weapon Lv. 1
Aden Transcendent Soul Crystal Armor Lv. 1
Hardin`s Transcendent Soul Crystal Lv. 1
Paagrio Transcendent Soul Crystal Lv. 1
What new items have been added to this loot box?
Hardin`s Transcendent Soul Crystal Lv. 1
Paagrio Transcendent Soul Crystal Lv. 1
Increased the chance of receiving items for the Crystal server:
Spellbook Coupon - 1 Star
Spellbook Coupon - 2 Star
Spellbook Coupon - 3 Star
Sunrise - Maximum modification and synthesis of items - 31 игровая неделя 28.02.2025
Agathion The Royal Jester +3.
Agathion Queen Nebula +3.
Agathion King Ignis +3.
Agathion King Procella +3.
Agathion King Petram +3.
Crystal - Maximum modification and synthesis of items - 8 игровая неделя 28.02.2025
Gran Kain's Pendant +5
Heavenly Cloak +5
Agathion Valakas +4
Agathion King Procella +3
Agathion King Petram +3
Agathion The Royal Jester +3
Agathion Queen Nebula +3
Agathion King Ignis +3
Hardin Transcendent Soul Crystal Lv. 5
Transcendent Paagrio's Soul Crystal Lv. 5
Aden Transcendent Soul Crystal Weapon Lv. 5
Aden Transcendent Soul Crystal Armor Lv. 5
Heavenly Talisman Lv. 10
Talisman of Fire Lv. 10
Blessed Ruby Lv. 8
Blessed Aquamarine Lv. 8
- Update during the OBT of the new season,
- Update during OBT - Changes 30.07.24,
- Update during OBT - Changes 02.08.24,
- Update during OBT - Changes 01.08.24,
- New stage update 09.08.2024,
- Changes 10.08.24,
- Changes 12.08.24,
- New stage update 16.08.2024,
- New stage update 23/08/2024,
- New stage update 30/08/2024,
- New stage update 06.09.2024,
- Patch Notes №2 06.09.24,
- New stage update 13/09/2024,
- New stage update 20/09/2024,
- New stage update 27/09/2024,
- Update 01.10.24,
- New stage update 05/10/2024,
- New stage update 11/10/2024,
- Update 15/10/24,
- New stage update 18/10/2024,
- Update 21.10.24,
- Update 25/10/24,
- Update 26/10/24,
- New Stage Update 01.11.24,
- New Stage Update 08.11.24,
- Update 13/11/24 - Sunrise,
- Update Rebirth (13.11.2024),
- Update Rebirth (22.11.2024),
- Update Sunrise (22.11.2024),
- Update Sunrise & Rebirth (27.11.2024),
- Rebirth Update (29/11/2024),
- Sunrise Update (29/11/2024),
- Update Sunrise & Rebirth (14.12.2024),
- Sunrise/Rebirth Update (06/12/2024),
- Sunrise Update (13/12/2024),
- Update 16/12/24,
- Sunrise Update (20/12/2024),
- Sunrise Update (23/12/2024),
- Sunrise Update (24/12/2024),
- Sunrise Update (26/12/2024),
- Sunrise Update (27/12/2024),
- Sunrise Update (28/12/2024),
- PATCHNOTE: January 3, 2025,
- Additional update January 3rd,
- PATCHNOTE: 06 January 2025,
- Sunrise and Crystal Update (08.01.2025),
- Sunrise Update (10/01/2025),
- Patchnote 09/01/24 - Crystal Server,
- Patch Notes 10.01.24,
- Update server Crystal & Sunrise (12.01.2025),
- Crystal Update (13/01/2025),
- Crystal Update (14/10/2025),
- Sunrise Update (17/01/2025),
- Crystal Update (17/01/2025),
- Sunrise & Crystal Updates (01/20/2025),
- Sunrise & Crystal Update (22.01.2025),
- Sunrise Update (24/01/2025),
- Crystal Update (24/01/2025),
- Crystal/Sunrise Update (27.01.2025),
- Crystal/Sunrise Update (28.01.2025),
- Crystal/Sunrise Update (29.01.2025),
- Crystal Update (31/01/2025),
- Sunrise Update (31.01.2025),
- Update №2 Crystal/Sunrise (31.01.2025),
- Crystal/Sunrise Update (03.02.2025),
- Crystal/Sunrise Update (04/02/2025),
- Crystal Update (05.02.2025),
- Sunrise Update (05.02.2025),
- Crystal Update (07.02.2025),
- Sunrise Update (07.02.2025),
- Crystal/Sunrise Update (10.02.2025),
- Crystal Update (14/02/2025),
- Sunrise Update (14/02/2025),
- Crystal/Sunrise Update (19.02.2025),
- Crystal/Sunrise Update (21.02.2025),
- Crystal/Sunrise Update (24.02.2025),
- Crystal/Sunrise Update (26.02.2025).