Event Match Girls Crystal/Sunrise
Эвент Девочка со Спичками
- The event starts on January 31 at 18:00 GMT+3.
- Event ends - stay tuned for announcements.
- At the end of the Event, all items will be removed.
All monsters in the world start dropping Ingredients for Cooking.
— Limit 3000 pcs. per day per account;
— Limit is updated daily at 6:30 server time (GMT+3).
Exchange is available in Special Creation (section - Events and Promotions) Ingredients for Cooking for Event Items:
Crystal Server
Ingredients for Cooking 50 pcs. +
L-Coin 250 pcs. +
10kk Aden:
There is a 70% chance that the player receives -
Regular Dish 50 pcs.
There is a 30% chance that the player receives -
Gift of Match Girls 25 pcs.
There is a 70% chance that the player receives -
Regular Dish 50 pcs. +
L-Coin 250 pcs. +
10кк Aden =
Gift of Match Girls 5 pcs.
Sunrise Server
Ingredients for Cooking 50 pcs. +
L-Coin 2.500 pcs. +
100kk Aden:
There is a 70% chance that the player receives -
Regular Dish 50 pcs.
There is a 30% chance that the player receives -
Gift of Match Girls 25 pcs.
There is a 70% chance that the player receives -
Regular Dish 50 pcs. +
L-Coin 2.500 pcs. +
100кк Aden =
Gift of Match Girls 5 pcs.
Positive effect
When using the item - Normal Dish the player gets the effect:
- Experience Bonus +30%;
- SP Bonus +30%;
- Max HP/CP/MP +5%;
- P. Atk./ P. Def./ M. Atk./ M. Def. +5%.
- PVE Damage and Defense +5%.
- MEN +1 CON +1 WIT +1 DEX +1 INT+1 STR+1
Using the item - Matchstick Girls Gift, the player receives a random reward:
Crystal Server
Scroll: Boost Defense
Scroll: Boost Attack
Giran Seal Pack
Life Control Tower
Scroll of Transformation
Saiha's Blessing Scroll
Hidden Power Booster
Augmenting Stone: Armor
Augmenting Stone: Accessory
Augmenting Stone: Special Equipment
Elixir Powder
Aden's Soul Crystal Lv. 1 - Weapon
Aden's Soul Crystal Lv. 1 - Armor
Hardin Soul Crystal
Paagrio Soul Crystal Lv. 1
Dye Booster
Cursed Scroll Weapon A
Cursed Scroll Armor A
Improved Scroll Weapon A
Improved Scroll Armor A
Spellbook Coupon - 1 Star
Spellbook Coupon - 2 Star
Spellbook Coupon - 3 Star
Summon Coupon Doll Improved Grade
Scroll of Blessing: Weapon
Scroll of Blessing: Armor Sealed
Ancient Adena
Boss Accessory Fragment
Special Armor Coupon
Boss Weapon Coupon
Summon Coupon Doll Improved Grade
Special Armor Coupon +5 (sealed)
Boss Weapon Coupon +5 (sealed)
Doll Summon Coupon (Rare) (sealed)
Frost Lord's Weapon Coupon +5 (sealed)
Rare Accessories Coupon +1 (sealed)
Hellbound Energy
Scroll Enchant Rare Accessories (sealed)
Improved Scroll Enchant Rare Accessories (sealed)
Blessed Augmenting Stone: Weapon
Blessed Augmenting Stone: Armor
Frost Lord's Weapon Coupon +7 (sealed)
Armor of Protection Coupon (sealed)
Blessed Augmenting Stone: Accessory
Blessed Augmenting Stone: Special Equipment
Blessed Augmenting Stone: Diadem
Dye Booster lvl 2
Doll Summon Coupon (Heroic)
Sunrise Server
Sayha Blessing
Sayha's Storm
Spirit Ore
Berserker's Scroll
Scroll: Enchant Stats
Life Control Tower
Scroll: Boost Defense
Scroll: Boost Attack
Jewel Coupon
Growth Rune Fragment
Giran Seal Pack
Magic Lamp Charging Potion
Hidden Power Booster
Dye Booster
Aden's Soul Crystal Lv. 1 - Weapon
Aden's Soul Crystal Lv. 1 - Armor
Augumenting Stone: Accessory
Spellbook Coupon - 1 Star
Spellbook Coupon - 2 Star
Spellbook Coupon - 3 Star
Hardin Soul Crystal
Paagrio Soul Crystal Lv. 1
Boss Accessory Fragment
Cursed Scroll Weapon A
Cursed Scroll Armor A
Improved Scroll Weapon A
Improved Scroll Armor A
Special Armor Coupon
Boss Weapon Coupon
Augmenting Stone: Special Equipment
Augmenting Stone: Circlet
Ancient Adena
Hellbound Energy
Augmenting Stone: Weapon
Augmenting Stone: Armor
Dye Booster lvl 2
Scroll of Blessing: Weapon
Scroll of Blessing: Armor Sealed
Scroll Enchant Rare Accessories (sealed)
Improved Scroll Enchant Rare Accessories (sealed)
Chest with Rare Accessories (sealed)
Frost Lord's Weapon Coupon
Rare Accessories Coupon +1
Scroll: Enchant Talisman Baium
Doll Summon Coupon (Heroic)
Boss Weapon Coupon +5.
Coupon for special Armor +5.
Boss Weapon Coupon +7.
Coupon for special Armor +7.
Talisman of Baium
Transcendent Upgrade Stone
Paagrio Soul Crystal Lv. 6
Hardin's Soul Crystal Lv. 6
Aden's Soul Crystal Lv. 6 - Weapon
Aden's Soul Crystal Lv. 6 - Armor
Hardin's Soul Crystal Lv. 20
Aden Soul Crystal Lv. 20 - Weapon
Aden Soul Crystal Lv. 20 - Armor
Paagrio Soul Crystal Lv. 20
Rare Accessories Coupon +2
Rare Accessories Coupon +3
Rare Accessories Coupon +4
Rare Accessories Coupon +5
Dye Booster Lv. 3
Armor of Protection Coupon
Armor of Protection Coupon +5
Armor of Protection Coupon +7
Frost Lord's Weapon Coupon +5
Frost Lord's Weapon Coupon +7
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