Project rules
Rules of project Valhalla-age
1. General.
1.1 Punishment listed below and applied to User for specific violation are determined at discretion of Administration within limits specified in “Punishment” section for corresponding violation, depending on degree of violation and totality of all facts related to this violation (complaints from other Users, degree dangers, repeatability and others). At its discretion, Administration has right to apply a milder punishment, or to reduce term of specified blocking in relation to character / game account of User.
1.2 All of following violations committed against representatives of Administration may entail imposition of sanctions in form of indefinite blocking of game character / game account.
1.3 User is notified and agrees that when contacting Technical Support Service ( on issue of loss of game values, Administration has right to introduce temporary technical blocking of game account of User or Users associated with lost game values for a period up to 7 days to investigate circumstances of loss of gaming values. Temporary technical blocking of game account is also possible during investigation of other committed violations. Administration does not guarantee a positive result of investigation. The user is notified and agrees that game values having a limited validity period are not restored at the end of technical blocking period, and their validity period is not extended for period of technical blocking at the end of it.
1.4 All accounts belonging to one player (including where there is a unique identifier of the violator) can be sanctioned for violating rules on one of them.
1.5 An attempt to violate the rules may amount to complete violation.
1.6 The administration does not provide evidence of blocking, as this may reveal the methods of our checks. All blocks are imposed only after a thorough analysis carried out by our employees. We guarantee that each decision is justified and objective.
1.7 Various media resources provided by other players (videos, screenshots, etc.) "confirming" use of software are not grounds for restricting access to characters. Media resources provided by other players are reason for adding to the list of characters / accounts subject to additional regular checks on use of software that automates game process. Basis for blocking characters / accounts is a personal check of project administration.
1.8 It is forbidden to post personal correspondence of players with administration or the project team (, correspondence with support service on forum, third-party sites, instant messengers and other Internet resources given violation entails right of administration to refuse to provide services and support services.
1.9 Administration has right to change / supplement rules of project at its discretion, without additional warning to players.
1.10 The Administration has the right to refuse to provide services without explaining the reason.
1.11 The project administration has the right to apply and refer to the rules of other projects, in case of joint discoveries with these projects under the partner program
Use errors (bugs) of the Site and Services of the Portal.
Use malicious programs that can cause damage the Portal.
Create, utilize or transact in any in-game item created or copied by exploiting a design flaw, undocumented problem, or program bug in the Portal.
Cheating and other illegal actions: Create, use, offer, promote, advertise, make available and / or distribute the following or assist therein:
cheats; any method not expressly authorized by the Operator, influencing and / or facilitating the gameplay.
bots; any method not expressly authorized by the Operator, that allows the automated control of the Portal or part of it, or any other feature of the Platform, eg special software that gives him superiority over other users, or automates game functions.
hacks; as example get unauthorized access to the database, computer system, and / or modify the program code, or any code and / or software, not expressly authorized by the Operator, that can be used to facilitate the gameplay or other functionality.
Restrict access to the site to other Users.
Prohibited Behavior:
Harassment: it is speech and / or behavior that inflicts deep emotional distress on another person. It is an extremely serious violation. It is prohibited to do this anywhere an expression can be made, such as chat, comments, or titles. It is also a violation in cases where a player character name involves a term that could be considered harassment in any way.
Nuisance behavior: it is speech or behavior that hurts others or obstructs their gameplay. "Offensive expression" means an expression in general that inflicts emotional distress by being offensive to another person. It is prohibited to do this anywhere an expression can be made. "Impersonation" means impersonating or fraudulently claiming to be another player, the Operator, or any other third party.
Harassment, “griefing,” abusive behavior or chat, conduct intended to unreasonably undermine or disrupt the Game experiences of others, deliberate inactivity or disconnecting, and / or any other activity which violates the Operator's Codes of Conduct or In-Game Policies.
It is forbidden to disrespect or express threats to the Innadril Team or other Users, anywhere an expression can be made, both ingame and on other community plataforms.
Conduct anti-advertising on the Portal, disrupting community stability, including same behavior on other resources or sites.
Advertise anything without the written permission of the Operator.
Real-Money Trading (RMT). RMT refers to an act of directly or indirectly transferring, lending or delegating in-game data or in-game activity for compensation (which include currency, goods, property, currency available outside of our services, character (s), item (s), point (s), data, information, etc.) or assisting in this type of behavior. If RMT activity is verified, a penalty will be issued.
Examples of RMT include offering or receiving compensation for the following:
In-game currency
In-game services
In-game items
Manipulate normal gameplay by using multiple PCs to run multiple characters at the same time. If a player is caught playing with multiple PCs, that gives him superiority over other users, an investigation may be initiated regarding him, in order to identify a possible RMT or another illegal activity.
Unauthorized Connections: facilitate create or maintain any unauthorized connection to the Platform including without limitation (i) any connection to any unauthorized server that emulates, or attempts to emulate, the Platform; and (ii) any connection using third-party programs or tools not expressly authorized by the Opeprator.
Cloud Computing: use the Platform, including a Game, in connection with any unauthorized third-party “cloud computing” services, “cloud gaming” services, or any software or service designed to enable the unauthorized streaming or transmission of Game content from a third -party server to any device, not expressly authorized by the Operator.
1.12 Items purchased for donations are not transferred. It is possible to transfer 3 items of the user's choice for the "Helping Hand" only once, within the same game account.
1.13 Artificially inflating the Unit price is prohibited.
1.14 It is forbidden to hold a place by an overpriced private shop. Reports are not accepted, every day we do a raid and block violators. For the first time 1 day, repeated punishment will be increased.
2. Use of non-normative abuse and / or provocative messages (Repeated violation increases the blocking time)
Violation | Punishment |
Use in Gameplay of profanity and / or abuse in general chats of Game (all,> shout,! Shout, + trade). Rules for communicating in private chats (#party, @clan, $ alliance, ") are set and regulated by head of party, clan or alliance, by players, respectively. To block messages of specific characters, you can use / block and / unblock command to unlock. |
From blocking chat from 120 minutes to blocking your account |
Abuse Users in general chat rooms of Game, including using profanity; abuse / provocative messages addressed to User related to his real life, family, relatives, etc., the dissemination of confidential or knowingly false information about another User. | From blocking chat from 120 minutes to blocking your account |
Use of profanity and / or abuse in heroic chat. | From chat blocking from 120 minutes to account blocking |
Use of profanity and / or provocative messages in character’s game nickname and / or clan name, as well as in character titles, in name of game store and group room. | Renaming character / clan, blocking an account from 1 to 7 days. |
Use of profanity, familiarity, vulgar, rude communication in appeals to technical support service at, as well as when contacting Administration in other ways provided for in User Agreement. | Chat lock until unlimited account lockout |
3. Pretending to be representative of Administration (IMPORTANT! Administration will not contact and ask you for personal account information, E-mail, as well as offer "special" services on forum, in game, media portals, etc.)
Violation | Punishment |
Use of terminology in game nickname of character, implying connection with Administration, including with aim of obtaining game advantage and / or game values. (Example: GM, ADMIN, GMsupport, etc.).Attempt to create and / or moderately occupy nickname of project team member |
Renaming character / clan, blocking game account or user accounts indefinitely, withdrawing received game values and / or advantages. Return of received game values to defrauded owners, if possible. |
Use of terminology in name of clan, implying connection of clan with Administration. |
Renaming clan, blocking account from 1 day to unlimited |
Impersonation of proxy of Administration and / or having relationship with Administration | Account lockout from 1 day to unlimited. |
4. Threats
Violation | Punishment |
Threats of violence and / or physical violence, including against representatives of Administration |
Warning, blocking game chat for period of 120 minutes to 7 days, blocking game account or user accounts for unlimited time. |
5. Propaganda and / or abuse to morality
Violation | Punishment |
Abuse to morality, propaganda and / or expression of rejection or hatred, as well as propaganda of discrimination against people on racial, ethnic, gender, religious, social grounds, disrespectful attitude to culture, race, nation, people, language, politics and political system, ideology, social movement, etc. |
Warning, blocking game chat for period of 120 minutes to 7 days, blocking game account or user accounts for unlimited time. |
6. Dissemination of information, including advertising
Violation | Punishment |
Distribution of advertising information that is not relevant to project in any form, including in form of links to Internet pages. In addition to links to clan resources (sites, forums, pages of social networks) and links to Project streams. |
Warning, blocking game chat for period of 120 minutes to 14 days, blocking game account or user accounts for unlimited time. |
Anti-advertising of Valhalla-age project, dissemination of knowingly false information about project, as well as any information that could discredit project and Administration in general and heroic chat rooms of Game. | Warning, blocking game chat for period of 120 minutes to 14 days, blocking game account or user accounts for unlimited time. |
Dissemination of information in any form, including in form of links to Internet pages, about porn sites, resources containing any information about drugs, resources that defame morality, promote hatred and / or discrimination against people based on racial, ethnic, sexual, religious social signs, disrespectful attitude to culture, race, people, nation, language, politics and political system, ideology, social movement, as well as dissemination of information of similar nature. | Warning, blocking game chat for period of 120 minutes to 14 days, blocking game account or user accounts for unlimited time. |
Distribution of information on sale / purchase / exchange of third-party and / or malware. | Warning, blocking game chat for period of 120 minutes to 14 days, blocking game account or user accounts for unlimited time. |
Distribution in general chat rooms of game, on forum and in social services. networks or other media resources, promotional, temporary bonus codes from social. networks, forum or other Valhalla-age resources that are used to attract audience in social Valhalla-age networks and other resources. | From warning to chat blocking from 200 minutes to 2 days. Account lockout from 1 day to unlimited. Unlimited blocking in case of repeated violation without possibility of paid unlocking in case of subsequent violations. Cancellation of in-game transaction and removal of in-game values / in-game currency to seller/ buyer (at discretion of Administration). |
7. Use of a User Account by more than one person
Violation | Punishment |
Transfer of registration data by any means to another User and / or other third parties, including sale, purchase, exchange of registration data, receipt and / or use of registration information of another User necessary for access to Game, including use of account by more than one by person, and / or providing access to account to third parties, including providing username / password. In addition to selling character according to Valhalla-age rules |
Administration prohibits transfer of data about game accounts to third parties. But, given modern realities, it can turn blind eye to violating confidentiality of User. However, it should be remembered that by transferring data from your game account to third parties, you assume full responsibility for safety of characters and all game values that are on it. Administration will not take your side in case of malicious actions by attackers. |
8. Sale or purchase of game values for non-game means or funds not provided for in Project [1- RMT]
Before describing violations and penalties following them, we want to express our position regarding this section. We are not against real money trade (RМТ), but even welcome. We are well aware that commercial component of this game has long ago grown into meaning of life or the moral enjoyment of extra income. To do this, we created Valhalla-age Marketplace. As well as additional separate section on forum, where you can create sales messages on it, as well as write suggestions for improving it. These violations relate to trading on third-party resources and inside game bypassing exchange. It should be noted that in the case of capture of offender: in primary case, exchange balance is reset. Secondary capture - ban on withdrawal of real funds permanently.
Violation | Punishment |
Distribution of information on sale / purchase of game values and / or a game character and / or account, information on development of characters for third parties for non-game means or funds not provided for in project. |
Account will be blocked from 7 days to unlimited for the first violation, unlimited for repeated violations without possibility of paid release of lock for subsequent violations. Cancellation of in-game transaction and removal of in-game values / in-game currency to seller / buyer (at discretion of Administration). |
Dissemination of information with publication in general chats, dissemination of information on sale / purchase of gift bonus codes / invite codes, as well as values and benefits received as reward in creative competitions and promotions held by Administration in game and on any Valhalla-age resources. | Warning, chat blocking from 300 minutes to 2 days. Account lockout from 1 day to unlimited. Unlimited blocking in case of repeated violation without possibility of paid unlocking in case of subsequent violations. Cancellation of in-game transaction and removal of in-game values / in-game currency to seller / buyer (at discretion of Administration). |
Actual sale and purchase of gaming values for non-gaming funds or funds not provided for in project. | For seller-violator: Unlimited blocking (it is possible to remove blocking on paid basis up to 2 times at discretion of Administration (assessment of severity of violation, set of violations, etc.). For buyer: Temporary blocking for period of 5 to 14 days (paid blocking is possible) Withdrawal of sold or bought game values (without taking into account that it / they could / could have been modified / modified after purchase). If seller violates lock for fee, all inventory is cleared (under "zero" including quest items) . If fault of seller-offender was blocked characters of 3 persons, analysis of this situation is carried out on paid basis at cost of analyzing logs (verification is carried out for up to 5 days), otherwise characters will be regarded as conspiracy - act on your comrades inside team yourself, it is better to prevent consequences than to understand after. |
Sale / purchase of character / account for non-gaming funds or funds not provided for in project. | Blocking account from 3 days to permanent blocking of the account without possibility of paid release of lock for subsequent violations. |
Deception of Project staff in order to obtain gaming advantage and / or other benefit. | Warning, account lockout or extension of lockout period from 3 days to unlimited account lockout. Denial of service. |
[1] - Penalty from 250 Units to 1,500 Units when replenishing with personal account or zeroing balance of personal account on exchange on blocked character. In case of repeated violation, cost of unlocking increases
9. Automation of game process, including use of third-party software that emulates presence of player in game (bot programs)
[2- software]
Based on current trends in development of gaming peripherals (mouses, keyboards, keypads and other devices), project administration came to decision that we are not against development of technological progress. However, it should be remembered that: using macros on devices can simplify your gameplay, but should not emulate presence of player in game. If during test your character is uncontrollable, then it will not matter to us - this bot, macros, younger brother, father, uncle, a cat sit on the keyboard. Additionally, we note the actions associated with characters (twins) that are used to automatically warn the owner about boss respawn, characters approaching and the like. Upon detection, accounts of such characters will be blocked, and characters that player owns / uses will be taken for additional control. Please note that penalties for using third-party software will be equally applicable to both players who play alone and to members of clans - there will be no exceptions. Message about use of software that emulates presence of a player in game (bot program) is equivalent to its use - punishment at discretion of Administration.
Violation | Punishment |
Use and / or threat and / or attempt to use software and / or devices that emulate presence of player in game or disrupt the normal functioning of game software. |
Permanent blocking, it is possible to remove block for fee (up to 2 times), seize game values and / or game advantages by administration (complete cleaning of equipment, except equipment, quest items related to completing profession or passing to epic bosses). Spoilers before level 65 are not subject to paid unlocking. |
Modification of Client of Game, that is, actions aimed at opening technology, decompiling, parsing or some other way of extracting source code of Client; actions to make any changes to source code, change functionality of Game Client, as well as gain access to server software of Game and / or replace server packages (including, but not limited to, hlapeks, L2packetHack), as well as above actions to gain access and interfere with operation of technical protection equipment used by Administration, with exception of modifications that do not give game client an additional gaming advantage (for example, changing color of system messages, range lling from the character, setting nobless buff to the category of debuffs). | Permanent blocking, it is possible to remove block for fee (up to 2 times), seize game values and / or game advantages by administration (complete cleaning of equipment, except equipment, quest items related to completing profession or passing to epic bosses). Spoilers before level 65 are not subject to paid unlocking. |
Obtaining gaming advantage and / or gaming values, including obtaining gaming experience / SP and / or game points due to use of third-party software, including as result of use third-party software by another User. | Permanent blocking, it is possible to remove block for fee (up to 2 times), seize game values and / or game advantages by administration (complete cleaning of equipment, except equipment, quest items related to completing profession or passing to epic bosses). Spoilers before level 65 are not subject to paid unlocking. |
Use or threat of using third-party software that may entail, including gaining gaming advantage / hacking / data interception / eliminating restrictions established by technical protection means used by Administration. | Account lockout from 7 days to unlimited. |
Performance of actions that entailed malfunction of Administration service for provision of entertainment services aimed at organizing and supporting Game process with participation of Users. | Unlimited user MA lock. |
[2] - Penalty from 125 Unit to 1000 Unit when replenishing with personal account or zeroing balance of personal account on exchange on blocked character. In case of repeated violation, cost of unlocking increases
10. Use of game errors, deceiving other players, misleading in order to obtain game values.
If there is an injured party, affected players may contact user support service to recover lost gaming values. Administration does not guarantee return of game values if it requires numerous intervention in game process, for example: cancellation of numerous transactions with real players or other reasons, but is always ready to side with affected side. Additional, paid analyzes of game logs are possible to find game values for more detailed search for possibilities of returning game values. Less time passes from moment of incident to appeal of injured party to user support service, greater chance of return of game values.
Violation | Punishment |
Intentional use of game errors, including geodata errors. |
Warning, blocking game account or user accounts for period of 1 day to indefinitely, withdrawal of game values and / or game advantages obtained as result of such use. Return of game values to victims at discretion of Administration, if game errors caused loss of injured party. |
Using error in displaying messages of two stores at one point (opening several stores with characters with similar names at same point in order to replace message about sale with purchase message or vice versa) and artificially inflated Unit price. | Warning, blocking game account or user accounts for period of 1 day to indefinitely, withdrawal of game values and / or game advantages obtained as result of such use. Return of game values to victims at discretion of Administration. |
Use of deliberately false message in trading store (for example, being bought up, you cannot write in message about sale that maymislead players). | Warning, blocking game account or user accounts for period of 1 day to indefinitely, withdrawal of game values and / or game advantages obtained as result of such use. Return of game values to victims at discretion of Administration. |
Using characters with nicknames similar to other nicknamesplayers with aim of cheating to obtain gaming values. | Warning, blocking game account or user accounts for period of 1 day to indefinitely, withdrawal of game values and / or game advantages obtained as result of such use. Return of game values to victims at discretion of Administration. |
Steal (scam) of objects or accounts of third parties (or assistance in theft), deception or abuse of trust of owner of game values. Or any other appropriation of another's property without the explicit consent of the owner. | Administration prohibits transfer of data about game accounts to third parties. But, given modern realities, it can turn blind eye to violating confidentiality of User. However, it should be remembered that by transferring data from your game account to third parties, you assume full responsibility for safety of the characters and all game values that are on it. The administration will not take your side in case of malicious actions by malefactors .. Paid review of logs. Temporary items will not be returned, deleted items will not be returned, items thrown to ground will be removed from players. Assigned items will be seized and may be returned to owner (once) (at discretion of Administration) |
Drop theft during clan farm of Raid Bosses. With participation of clan in Raid on Boss, we are convinced that reward for his murder should belong entirely to the clan that killed him. Since the Clan Leader is his immediate supervisor, it is up to him to distribute reward from Boss. Therefore, we regard the unauthorized appropriation of items after the Raid without the permission of the Clan Leader for the theft. A similar rule applies to party games. Only the leader of group has the right to distribute epic between the members of the group, if only right to collect the drop was not accidental. | Administration does not interfere with gameplay.After distribution by clan leader or group leader, items are considered property of players.Fact of the distribution of game values is transfer of items by trade (trade / mail). |
Clan epic jewelry belongs to the clan, the Clan Leader must notify about it. The Clan Leader decides the fate of the epic himself. Administration has right to restrict User’s access to accounts while investigating fact of possible violation of Project Rules. At discretion of Administration, User has opportunity to remove lock or perpetual lock when paying fine. Cost and method of payment is formed depending on violation and is individual for each account or character. When paying a fine, unless otherwise specified, the lock is removed immediately from all blocked user accounts.
User has right to appeal blocking (complaint) personally to Management using ticket system (indicate in ticket name). However, it should be remembered that misleading, falsely accusing project staff, after checking provided data, will be regarded as fraud with application of punishment - unlimited lock without right to remove lock for fee.
11. General provisions of Forum and Valhalla-age communities in social networks, messengers, etc.
11.1. Valhalla-age team monitors the actions and discussions of users and, in special circumstances, intervenes based on these rules.
11.2. Topic or posts posted by any member are property of community, not author of topic.
11.3. Topics should be created in sections of relevant topic.
11.4. Topic title should be designed to point, reflecting essence of problem, not emotions.
11.5. Creating topic in appropriate section and in specified form guarantees faster solution to problem. But, we recommend using ticket system.
11.6 Administration reserves right to evaluate actions of users and impose any sanctions on them in cases not provided for by these rules, if it deems it necessary.
11.7. Administration, at its discretion, interprets such concepts as: insults, prohibited publications, actions of a destructive nature, discussion of actions of administration and any other prohibited posts that are listed in violations.
Violation | Punishment |
As restrictive measure, after deleting or editing an offender's post, Forum Team may use following sanctions: Public or personal verbal warning of rule violations Pre-moderation of published content from 1 day to unlimited pre-moderation on our forum (before posting topic or message, your post must be approved by forum moderators). Ban on posting from 1 day to indefinite blocking, with ability to enter forum in read mode ** Full account lockout deleting all posted user content.
Administration of project leaves for |
Each player can recall examples when, due to disagreements that arose from scratch, the situation in the game changed for the worse in a matter of seconds. Players forgot that they were playing a game, sorting things out with each other or provoking a verbal skirmish with an opponent.
We call this behavior toxic, and the effect it creates, toxicity.
Simply put, toxicity is any negative behavior of one player towards another.
Social and psychological differences between players are not the only reason for toxicity. In addition to non-compliance with the rules of the chat, unsportsmanlike behavior, the use of provocative words in the name of the player and the name of the clan, as well as the reputation of the clans themselves, also cause an increase in toxicity.
Toxicity is also affected by non-gaming related causes. First of all, it is the anonymity generated by the Internet. A person understands that no one knows his name or where he comes from, and this gives some freedom of action without the risk of incurring responsibility. Moreover, sometimes the player does not even think that his words and actions can offend someone.
The impact on the growth of toxicity is also exerted by the stress we received for various reasons that are not related to the game.
Unfortunately, for some players, toxic behavior is simply the norm, and although their numbers are extremely small, they are dealt with with the most severe methods.
So, the main causes of toxicity:
- differences in worldview and perception of players;
- violation of chat rules;
- unsportsmanlike conduct;
- violations and provocations in nicknames / clan names;
- specific environment of the Internet community
Forms of toxic behavior
We understand that for a comfortable pastime in the game you need the right atmosphere. We strive to keep our community free from toxic elements so that any player, regardless of age or occupation, can feel comfortable. To do this, we fight all forms of toxicity and the phenomena that cause it.
Before proceeding to violations and penalties, I would like to clarify the policy of toxicity. We are well aware that Trash Talk (link "Wikipedia" - Trash Talk - statements addressed to an opponent, often offensive in nature, designed to unbalance the opponent, one of the forms of boasting or insulting in competitive situations )
it is an integral part of the game, life and communication. However, it should be understood when a harmless Trash Talk turns into bullying (bullying - aggressive pursuit of one of the team members)
Violation | Punishment |
forum: content moderation from 7 days to unlimited. Prohibition of posting content. Game: Chat blocking from 5000 minutes. In case of repeated violation, account blocking without the possibility of appeal |