Getting Spell Books 1-3 Stars
There are 5 ways to get Spell Books 1-3 stars on our server:
Created using the Seal of Power.
Crafting with Spell Book Pages.
Purchase for Ancient Adena.
Gift Calendar.
Obtained from Epic/Raid Bosses.
Creating books for the Seal of Power:
How to get the Seal of Power? - You need to complete 7 missions to close the special mission - "Exploring the World of Elmoreden".
Let's open Special Creation → Spellbooks.
Spell Book Coupon - 1 Star.
Required for creation
Seals of Power 1 pc.
- Chance of creation - 50%.
If creation fails, you get -
Spell Book Page 1 pc.
Required for creation
Spell Book Coupon - 2 Stars.
Required for creation
Seals of Power 2 pc.
- Chance of creation - 30%.
If creation fails, you get -
Spell Book Page 2 pcs.
Required for creation
Spell Book Coupon - 3 Stars.
Required for creation
Seals of Power 4 pc.
- Chance of creation - 20%.
If creation fails, you get -
Spell Book Page 4 pcs.
Required for creation
Crafting with Spell Book Pages:
How to get a Spell Book Page? The player gets a Spell Book Page when they fail to create books for Seal of Power.
Spell Book Coupon - 1 Star.
To create you need -
Spell Book Page 4 pcs.
- Chance of creation - 100%.
To create you need -
Spell Book Coupon - 2 Stars.
To create you need -
Spell Book Page 8 pcs.
- Chance of creation - 100%.
To create you need -
Spell Book Coupon - 3 Stars.
To create you need -
Spell Book Page 16 pcs.
- Chance of creation - 100%.
To create you need -
Purchase for Ancient Adena:
Открываете Магазин L-Монет → Переходите в раздел «Товары за Древние Адены».
Spell Book Coupon - 1 Star.
Cost - 1650
Ancient Aden.
- Purchase - 1 time per month.
Cost - 1650
Spell Book Coupon - 2 Stars.
Cost - 3250
Ancient Aden.
- Purchase - 1 time per month.
Cost - 3250
Spell Book Coupon - 3 Stars.
Cost - 6500
Ancient Aden.
- Purchase - 1 time per month.
Cost - 6500
Receiving Gifts in the Calendar:
When entering the game, after 30 minutes the player receives a reward - Gift Calendar.
Spell Book Coupon - 1 Star.
- Reward for 14 days of play.
Spell Book Coupon - 2 Stars.
- Reward for 21 days of play.
Spell Book Coupon - 3 Stars.
- Reward for 28 days of play.
Drops from Epic and Raid Bosses.
Bosses for Command Channel.
- From the start of the server, 1 star and 2 star coupons are available in the drop. 3 star coupons - Command Channel Bosses Lv. 85-90.
Epic Bosses.
- From the start of the server, 1 star, 2 star and 3 star coupons are available in the drop.
Clan Dungeons (Frintezza).
- From the start of the server, 1 star, 2 star and 3 star coupons are available in the drop.