Assassin (Human)


SKRINSOT-19-02-2025-153916.png Willingness to Kill:

  • Skill recovery time reduced - 20 min. → 10 min.


:Assassination: Assassination

Cooldown of the skill 5 sec. → 10 sec.
Consumption of Spirit Ore 20 -> 15
Added strengthening effect upon skill use
Physical Attack +5%
Critical Attack Power of physical skills +5%
Duration: 15 sec.
Effect does not refresh upon skill reuse Success
Added 3rd attack
Attacks the target and up to 3 characters around the target. Power 6500.
Ignores 10% defense. Critical hit possible.


:Forward_Move: Forward Move

Modified in PVP and PVE target count 5 → 2


SKRINSOT-18-07-2024-180004.png Time Distortion: Master

Improved Enhanced Time Master effect
Evasion from all skills +30% -> +35%
Power of magic skills when taking damage -2%


SKRINSOT-18-07-2024-180856.png Time Master

Added effect "Evasion from all skills +10%"


SKRINSOT-18-07-2024-181142.png Clone Dance

Increased defense ignore from 10% to 15%

With Modification +3:
Increased power at levels 1-3 by +3 refinement
Level 1: 6800 -> 9500
Level 2: 7200 -> 9900
Level 3: 7800 -> 10500
Added negative effect on "Stunned'' target (same at all levels of skill with Modification +3)
Resistance to dagger attacks -5%
Chance to receive critical damage from physical skills +5%
Power of physical skills when taking damage +1%
Duration: 5 sec.


SKRINSOT-18-07-2024-181352.png Return Motion

Consumption of Spirit Ore 1 -> 3
Effect of Stealth: Evasion from all skills +50% -> +55%
Fixed skill recovery.


SKRINSOT-18-07-2024-181456.png Erosion Level 2

Added/improved strengthening effect
Physical Defense +100 -> +500
Magic Defense +500
Max HP +500


SKRINSOT-18-07-2024-181626.png Assassination Level 2

Added/improved strengthening effect
Physical Attack +100 -> +500
Critical Attack chance of physical skills +5%


SKRINSOT-18-07-2024-181832.png Sharp Blade

Consumes 10 Spirit Ore at any level
New effects added, old effect on Physical Attack remains
Level 1: Critical Attack chance of physical skills +1%, bonus damage in PVE +1%
Level 2: Critical Attack chance of physical skills +2%, bonus damage in PVE +3%
Level 3: Critical Attack chance of physical skills +5%, bonus damage in PVE +5%


dgVr9SN.png Detect Weakness

Added new passive skill with modification option:
Unique Assassin talent allowing easy detection of target weaknesses
+0: Critical Attack chance of physical skills +5%, bonus damage in PVE +5%
+1: Critical Attack chance of physical skills +5%, bonus damage in PVE +8%, Critical Attack chance of physical skills +3%
+2: Critical Attack chance of physical skills +5%, bonus damage in PVE +13%, Critical Attack chance of physical skills +6%
+3: Critical Attack chance of physical skills +5%, bonus damage in PVE +20%, Critical Attack chance of physical skills +10%


SKRINSOT-18-10-2024-131813.png Time Distortion

Now the skill does not have a fixed recovery time.

Improved Trigger:

Phys. Atk. +10% → +15%

Phys. Skill Power +10% → +15%

Phys. Skill Crit. Chance +10%

Phys. Skill Crit. Power +10%

Max HP + 2500

Evasion from all skills +10% → +15%

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