Sunrise Update (20/12/2024)
An update will be installed during the evening restart today:
Added character death indicator
- The target is alive.
- Target is dead (red bar notifies that the target is dead).
Increased daily limits on L-Coins drop from mobs per day (without penalty)
Character level | Number of L-Coins |
1-79 levels | 165.027 |
80 level | 363.062 |
81 level | 412.571 |
82 level | 462.079 |
83 level | 511.588 |
84 level | 560.870 |
85 level | 610.610 |
86 level | 660.116 |
87 level | 709.622 |
88 level | 759.136 |
89 level | 808.644 |
90 level | 858.151 |
91 level | 907.662 |
92 level | 957.168 |
93-99 levels | 1.006.691 |
Game Store Updates
Number of coins in
Chests with L-Coins increased from 300,000 → to 500,000 pcs.
Number of coins in
L-Coin Chests (at a discount) increased from 300,000 → to 500,000 pcs.
New chest Snow Box
Price: 30 Units, 10 units can be purchased per account.
L-Coin x10.000.000
Dandy Balls x10
Einhasad's Protection x10
Boss Accessory Fragment x40
Seals of Knowledge х5
Elmoreden's Jewels x200
Doll Summon Coupon (Rare) x2
Transcendent Upgrade Stone х10
Special Creation (Other)
Improved exchange of Spell Book Coupons 1-3*
Coupon for the Book of Spells 1* +
- Doll Summon Coupon (Heroic) х1 - шанс 0.25%.
Seals of Power х2 - шанс 3%.
Boss Accessory Fragment х6 - шанс 16.5%.
Doll Summon Coupon (Rare) х1 - шанс 30.25%.
L-Coin х100.000 - шанс 50%.
Coupon for the Book of Spells 2* +
Doll Summon Coupon (Heroic) х1 - шанс 0.5%.
Seals of Power х3 - шанс 5%.
Boss Accessory Fragment х12 - шанс 15%.
Doll Summon Coupon (Rare) х2 - шанс 29.5%.
L-Coin х200.000 - шанс 50%.
Coupon for the Book of Spells 3* +
Doll Summon Coupon (Heroic) х1 - шанс 1%.
Seals of Power х4 - шанс 6.5%.
Boss Accessory Fragment х24 - шанс 15%.
Doll Summon Coupon (Rare) х3 - шанс 27.5%.
L-Coin х400.000 - шанс 50%.
Added exchange of Spell Book Coupons 4*
Coupon for the Book of Spells 4* +
Doll Summon Coupon (Heroic) х1 - шанс 5%.
Seals of Power х10 - шанс 6.5%.
Boss Accessory Fragment х50 - шанс 13%.
Doll Summon Coupon (Rare) х5 - шанс 25.5%.
L-Coin х2.000.000 - шанс 50%.
Special Creation (Other)
Increased item purchase quantity - Scroll: Enchant Decorations 100 pcs. → 1000 pcs.
Updated the reward in the gift calendar
Epic Bosses and Priests
We have improved the drops and characteristics of epic bosses and their priests, and also added new items.
Now you can get for the raid:
Rare Accessories Coupon +3
Rare Accessories Coupon +4
Rare Accessories Coupon +5
Ice Monarch Weapon Coupon +5
Ice Monarch Weapon Coupon +7
Coupon for Armor of Defense +5
Coupon for Armor of Defense +7
Stable Scroll: Enchant Rare Accessories
- If the modification fails, the current modification value is saved.
- Only rare accessories with a modification value of +4 or higher can be modified.
Stable Scroll: Enchant Weapon
- If the modification fails, the current modification value is saved.
Stable Scroll: Enchant Armor
- If the modification fails, the current modification value is saved.
Aden Soul Crystal Lv. 20 - Weapon
Aden Soul Crystal Lv. 20 - Armor
Hardin's Soul Crystal Lv. 20
Command Channel Bosses and Solo Bosses
We have improved the drops and characteristics of bosses, and also added new items.
Now you can get for the raid:
Wild Wind Helmet.
Crimson Gauntlets.
Coupon for Armor of Defense.
Hell Island and Hell Island Instance
We have increased the item drop chance. - Energy of Hell Island
Added new item drops in the following locations
Sky Tower
Aden Soul Crystal Lv. 1 - Weapon
Aden Soul Crystal Lv. 1 - Armor
Hardin's Soul Crystal Lv. 1
Vulcan's Brazier
Aden Soul Crystal Lv. 1 - Weapon
Aden Soul Crystal Lv. 1 - Armor
Hardin's Soul Crystal Lv. 1
Garrison Krumakhum
Aden Soul Crystal Lv. 1 - Weapon
Aden Soul Crystal Lv. 1 - Armor
Hardin's Soul Crystal Lv. 1
Citadel of Kelbim
Aden Soul Crystal Lv. 1 - Weapon
Metal Ingot
Pagan Temple
Aden Soul Crystal Lv. 1 - Armor
Metal Ingot
Antharas' Lair
Aden Soul Crystal Lv. 1 - Weapon
Hardin's Soul Crystal Lv. 1
Ice Monarch Castle
Aden Soul Crystal Lv. 1 - Armor
Hardin's Soul Crystal Lv. 1
House of Shadows
Aden Soul Crystal Lv. 1 - Weapon
Aden Soul Crystal Lv. 1 - Armor
Lands Captured by Fairies
Hardin's Soul Crystal Lv. 1
Monastery of Benidixta
Aden Soul Crystal Lv. 1 - Armor
Hardin's Soul Crystal Lv. 1
Tomb of the Emperor
Aden Soul Crystal Lv. 1 - Weapon
Aden Soul Crystal Lv. 1 - Armor
Hardin's Soul Crystal Lv. 1
Metal Ingot
Land of Winds
Aden Soul Crystal Lv. 1 - Weapon
Hardin's Soul Crystal Lv. 1
Class Balance
- Sagittarius - decreased damage in PVP -5%/PVE -5%.
- Moonlight Sentinel - decreased damage in PVP -5%/PVE -5%.
- Ghost Sentinel - decreased damage in PVP -5%/PVE -5%.
- Archmage - decreased damage in PVP -5%/PVE -5%.
- Soultaker - decreased damage in PVP -5%/PVE -5%.
- Mystic Muse - decreased damage in PVP -5%/PVE -5%.
- Storm Screamer - decreased damage in PVP -5%/PVE -5%.
- Element Weaver - decreased damage in PVP -5%/PVE -5%.
- Duelist - increased damage in PVP +10%/PVE +10%. Increased defense in PVP +10%.
- Dreadnought - increased damage in PVP +10%/PVE +10%. Increased defense in PVP +10%.
- Hell Knight - increased damage in PVP +10%/PVE +10%. Increased PVP defense +10%.
- Phoenix Knight - increased damage in PVP + 10%/PVE + 10%. Increased PVP defense +10%.
- Shillien Templar - increased damage in PVP + 5%/PVE + 5%. Increased PVP defense +5%.
- Eva's Templar - increased damage in PVP + 5%/PVE + 5%. Increased PVP defense +5%.
- Adventurer - increased damage in PVP + 10%/PVE + 10%. Increased PVP defense +10%.
- Wind Rider - increased damage in PVP + 10%/PVE + 10%. Increased PVP defense +10%.
- Ghost Hunter - increased damage in PVP + 10%/PVE + 10%. Increased PVP defense +10%.
- Sword Muse - increased damage in PVP + 10%/PVE + 10%. Increased PVP defense +10%.
- Spectral Dancer - increased damage in PVP + 10%/PVE + 10%. Increased PVP defense +10%.
- Eva Saint - increased damage in PVP + 10%/PVE + 10%.
- Shillien Saint - increased damage in PVP + 10%/PVE + 10%.
- Cardinal - increased damage in PVE + 10%.
- Titan - increased damage in PVP + 10%/PVE + 10%. Increased PVP defense +10%.
- Grand Khavatari - increased damage in PVP + 10%/PVE + 10%. Increased PVP defense +10%.
- Dominator - increased damage in PVP + 5%/PVE + 10%.
- Doomcryer - increased damage in PVP + 5%/PVE + 10%.
- Maestro - increased damage in PVP + 10%/PVE + 10%. Increased PVP defense +10%.
- Fortune Seeker - increased damage in PVP + 10%/PVE + 10%. Increased PVP defense +10%.
- Doombringer - increased damage in PVP + 5%/PVE + 5%. Increased PVP defense +10%.
- Trickster - increased damage in PVP +5%.
- Elemental Master - increased damage in PVP + 5%/PVE + 5%.
- Soul Hound - increased damage in PVP + 10%/PVE + 10%.
- All Death Knight - increased damage in PVP + 10%/PVE + 10%. Increased PVP defense +10%.
- Storm Blaster - increased damage in PVE +10%.
- Vanguard Rider - increased damage in PVP + 10%/PVE + 10%. Increased PVP defense +10%.
- Assassins - increased damage in PVP + 10%/PVE + 10%. Increased PVP defense +10%.
- Divine Templar - increased damage in PVP + 10%/PVE + 10%. Increased PVP defense +10%.
- Varkas - increased damage in PVP + 5%/PVE + 5%. Increased PVP defense +5%.
Introduction to Lootbox Game #20
Elmoreden's Jewels (with NON-transferable items)
Price: 100 L-Coins per 1 piece (500 pieces per day).
Contains sealed items (CANNOT be transferred):
Sayha Blessing
Sayha's Storm
Spirit Ore
Berserker's Scroll
Scroll: Enchant Stats
Scroll: Boost Defense
Scroll: Boost Attack
Jewel Coupon
Growth Rune Fragment
Giran Seal Pack
Magic Lamp Charging Potion
Hidden Power Booster
Dye Booster
Charging Stone of Regular Craft - 1 Charge
Aden's Soul Crystal Lv. 1 - Weapon
Aden's Soul Crystal Lv. 1 - Armor
Augmenting Stone: Accessory
Magic Tablet
Spellbook Coupon - 1 Star
Spellbook Coupon - 2 Star
Spellbook Coupon - 3 Star
Hardin Soul Crystal
Paagrio Soul Crystal Lv. 1
Elixir Powder
Boss Accessory Fragment
Cursed Scroll Weapon A
Cursed Scroll Armor A
Improved Scroll Weapon A
Improved Scroll Armor A
Special Armor Coupon
Boss Weapon Coupon
Summon Coupon Doll Improved Grade
Scroll of Blessing: Weapon
Scroll of Blessing: Armor Sealed
Scroll Enchant Rare Accessories (sealed)
Augmenting Stone: Special Equipment
Augmenting Stone: Circlet
Ancient Adena
Improved Scroll Enchant Rare Accessories (sealed)
Summon Coupon Doll Top Grade
Crystal of the Tower of Insolence
Frost Lord's Weapon Crystall
Chest with Rare Accessories (sealed)
Hellbound Energy
Refined Crystal
Augmenting Stone: Weapon
Augmenting Stone: Armor
Dye Booster lvl 2
Frost Lord's Weapon Coupon
Rare Accessories Coupon +1
Scroll: Enchant Talisman Baium
Doll Summon Coupon (Rare)
Boss Weapon Coupon +5.
Coupon for special Armor +5.
Boss Weapon Coupon +7.
Coupon for special Armor +7.
Armor of Protection Coupon
Transcendent Upgrade Stone
Aden Soul Crystal Lv. 16 - Weapon
Aden Soul Crystal Lv. 16 - Armor
Hardin's Soul Crystal Lv. 16
Aden Soul Crystal Lv. 20 - Weapon
Aden Soul Crystal Lv. 20 - Armor
Hardin's Soul Crystal Lv. 20
Elmoreden's Jewels (with TRANSFERABLE items)
Price: Elmoreden Ticket, 500 pcs. (1 time per day).
The Elmoreden Ticket is purchased in the Game Store (section - Strengthening) for 50 Unit.
Then exchange for 500 Elmoreden Jewels in Special Craft → Events and Promotions Section.
Contains items (they CAN be transferred):
Aden's Soul Crystal Lv. 1 - Armor
Aden's Soul Crystal Lv. 1 - Weapon
Augmenting Stone: Accessory
Magic Tablet
Spellbook Coupon - 1 Star
Spellbook Coupon - 2 Star
Spellbook Coupon - 3 Star
Hardin Soul Crystal
Dye Booster
Paagrio Soul Crystal Lv. 1
Improved Scroll Weapon A
Improved Scroll Armor A
Cursed Scroll Weapon A
Cursed Scroll Armor A
Special Armor Coupon
Summon Coupon Doll Improved Grade
Boss Weapon Coupon
Scroll of Blessing: Weapon
Scroll of Blessing: Armor Sealed
Scroll Enchant Rare Accessories
Augmenting Stone: Special Equipment
Augmenting Stone: Circlet
Improved Scroll Enchant Rare Accessories
Summon Coupon Doll Top Grade
Crystal of the Tower of Insolence
Frost Lord's Weapon Crystall
Chest with Rare Accessories
Hellbound Energy
Refined Crystal
Augmenting Stone: Weapon
Augmenting Stone: Armor
Dye Booster lvl 2
Frost Lord's Weapon Coupon
Rare Accessories Coupon +1
Scroll: Enchant Talisman Baium
Doll Summon Coupon (Rare)
Boss Weapon Coupon +5.
Coupon for special Armor +5.
Boss Weapon Coupon +7.
Coupon for special Armor +7.
Armor of Protection Coupon
Transcendent Upgrade Stone
Aden Soul Crystal Lv. 16 - Weapon
Aden Soul Crystal Lv. 16 - Armor
Hardin's Soul Crystal Lv. 16
Aden Soul Crystal Lv. 20 - Weapon
Aden Soul Crystal Lv. 20 - Armor
Hardin's Soul Crystal Lv. 20
New limits for modification and synthesis of items from 20/12/2024
Friday will also present you with new game challenges, such as upgrading through modification and synthesis of the following range of items:
Epic Jewelry +6.
Dye 30 lvl.
Talisman of Fire +8
Blessed Talisman of Authority - 9 lvl.
The cost of blessing -
The cost of blessing -
Blessed Talisman of Speed - 9 lvl.
The cost of blessing -
The cost of blessing -
Heavenly Cloak +3
- Update during the OBT of the new season,
- Update during OBT - Changes 30.07.24,
- Update during OBT - Changes 02.08.24,
- Update during OBT - Changes 01.08.24,
- New stage update 09.08.2024,
- Changes 10.08.24,
- Changes 12.08.24,
- New stage update 16.08.2024,
- New stage update 23/08/2024,
- New stage update 30/08/2024,
- New stage update 06.09.2024,
- Patch Notes №2 06.09.24,
- New stage update 13/09/2024,
- New stage update 20/09/2024,
- New stage update 27/09/2024,
- Update 01.10.24,
- New stage update 05/10/2024,
- New stage update 11/10/2024,
- Update 15/10/24,
- New stage update 18/10/2024,
- Update 21.10.24,
- Update 25/10/24,
- Update 26/10/24,
- New Stage Update 01.11.24,
- New Stage Update 08.11.24,
- Update 13/11/24 - Sunrise,
- Update Rebirth (13.11.2024),
- Update Rebirth (22.11.2024),
- Update Sunrise (22.11.2024),
- Update Sunrise & Rebirth (27.11.2024),
- Rebirth Update (29/11/2024),
- Sunrise Update (29/11/2024),
- Update Sunrise & Rebirth (14.12.2024),
- Sunrise/Rebirth Update (06/12/2024),
- Sunrise Update (13/12/2024),
- Update 16/12/24.