Treasures of Elmoreden (Keys of Elmoreden)
To diversify the gameplay, we have added new items to the rewards for completing daily missions.
For killing a certain number of mobs in various locations, in addition to standard rewards, the player additionally receives Elmoreden Keys that can be exchanged for
Elmoreden Chest and get various rewards.
Keys of Elmoreden and
Elmoreden Chests have no time limit.
You can get 125 per day Keys of Elmoreden.
For the completion of which you can receive Keys of Elmoreden:
Hunt in Transcendent Instance Zones.
Goal - Destroy 300 monsters.
Elmoreden Keys 15 pcs.
Sayha`s Cookies - 100 pcs.
Mission points - 20 pcs..
Ancient Adena - 50 pcs.
Modification Set: Talisman of Aden - 5 pcs.
Incessant Training.
Objective - Destroy the Raid Boss.
Elmoreden Keys 15 pcs.
Sayha`s Cookies - 100 pcs.
Mission points - 20 pcs..
Ancient Adena - 50 pcs.
Phantom Mask Modification Set - 3 pcs.
Explore Alligator Island.
Objective: Destroy 100 monsters.
Elmoreden Keys 10 pcs.
Grows Rune Fragment - 2 pcs..
Mission points - 15 pcs..
Ancient Adena - 25 pcs.
Hunt in the Tower of Insolence.
Objective: Destroy 100 monsters.
Elmoreden Keys 10 pcs.
Packaging: Protective Cloak - 5 pcs.
Ancient Adena - 100 pcs.
Investigate the Primeval Garden.
Objective: Destroy 100 monsters.
Elmoreden Keys 10 pcs.
Chest with Talisman of Speed - 5 pcs.
Ancient Adena - 50 pcs.
Assault on Elmoreden Tower.
Goal - Destroy 1000 monsters.
Elmoreden Keys 15 pcs.
Blue Lantern - 1 pc.
Asofe - 7 pcs.
Mission points - 20 pcs.
Ancient Adena - 50 pcs.
Modification Set: Hero's Crown - 3 pcs.
Explore Goddard.
Goal - Destroy 1000 monsters.
Elmoreden Keys 10 pcs.
Ancient Adena - 100 pcs.
Packaging: Einhasad Pendant Lv.1 - 3 pcs..
Explore Primeval Isle.
Goal - Destroy 200 monsters.
Elmoreden Keys 15 pcs.
Saiha`s Cookies - 50 pcs.
Mission points - 5 pcs..
Hunting in the Aztacan Temple.
Objective: Destroy 50 monsters.
Elmoreden Keys 10 pcs.
Red Svetoch - 2 pcs.
Asofe - 7 pcs..
Mission points - 20 pcs..
Ancient Adena - 50 pcs.
Packaging: Hunter's Earring - 1 pc..
Elmoreden's Chest
Can be obtained by exchanging for The Key of Elmoreden +
20,000k Adena (section - Special Creation/Event).
When opening
Elmoreden Chest can give you one of the items:
Scroll: Modify Attack.
Scroll: Modify Defense.
Growth Rune fragment.
Scroll: Modify Stats.
Scroll of Berserker.
Sayha`s Cookies.
Storm of Saiha.
Blessing of Saiha.
Sack of Supplies.
Scroll of Blessing of the Fire Dragon.
Dye Booster.
Scroll of Blessed Teleport.
Pack: Bracelet of Summoning Agathion Lv.1.
Pack: Brooch Lv.1.
Scroll of Saiha's Patronage.
Normal Creation Recharging Stone.
Scroll of Free Teleport.
Pack: Bracelet for Talismans Lv.1.
Fragment of Venir's Talisman.
Elmoreden Tower Time Extension Stone.
Armor Enchantment Stone.
Weapon Enchantment Stone.
Modification Pack: Ring of Insolence.
Modification Pack: Earring of the Dragon Valley.
Time Extension Stone of the Primeval Island.
Time Extension Stone of the Forgotten Garden.
Chest with Modification Scrolls.
Hidden Power Amplifier.