The Cemetery

The Cemetery

The Cemetery location has been updated in the Remastered Chronicles.


The location now has 3 levels.

To increase the level of the location - you need to kill mobs. Each mob death is +1 point in location progress.

The number of progress points is not disclosed.

First level - Initial

  • There is no change

Two level

  • Mobs in the location change their appearance;
  • Global location bonus EXP/SP/DROP/ADENA +10% applies;



Third level - maximum

  • Spawn solo-boss.


The boss appears for 2 hours. After killing/disappearing boss - the location goes back to the initial, first level.

Parameters of the boss: This is a solo boss, which means it is possible to kill him alone. Parameters are equal to the mobs in the location, but increased HP by 20 times.

Solo-boss Drop

  • Etc_sword_body_i00_0.jpg Orcish Poleaxe Blade
  • Etc_squares_gray_i00_0.jpg Widowmaker Head
  • Etc_sword_body_i00_0.jpg Scorpion Blade
  • Weapon_orcish_poleaxe_i00_0.jpg Orcish Poleaxe
  • Weapon_widow_maker_i00_0.jpg Window Maker
  • Etc_recipe_yellow_i00_0.jpg Recipe: Berserker Blade (100%)
  • Etc_recipe_red_i00_0.jpg Recipe: Spiritshot (B) Compressed Package (100%)
  • Etc_recipe_red_i00_0.jpg Recipe: Great Sword (100%)
  • Etc_reagent_gold_i00_0.jpg Mold Lubricant
  • Etc_pouch_yellow_i00_0.jpg Varnish
  • Etc_oil_pot_black_i00_0.jpg Cokes
  • Etc_crystal_ball_white_i00_0.jpg Stone of Purity
  • Etc_coal_i00_0.jpg Coal

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