Tower of Insolence


Tower of Insolence

The Tower of Insolence location has been updated in the Remastered Chronicles.


New teleports

Some floors are now available to move in the Club Teleporter

  • 3rd floor of the tower;
  • 5th floor of the tower;
  • 7th floor of the tower;
  • 10th floor (previously available).

The location now has three levels.

To increase the level of the location - you need to kill mobs. Each mob death is +1 point in location progress.

The number of progress points is not disclosed.

First level - is elementary

  • No change

Level Two

  • Reduced the time of appearance of mobs by 20%;
  • The number of mobs in the entire location increased by 30%.

Third level - is the maximum

Attention! The third level of the location is available from chapter 2.

As soon as the location goes to level 3, the first boss appears.

  • Creating a chain of bosses (one by one):
    • The appearance of the first boss is between the 3rd and 4th floors of the tower;
    • After the death of the first boss - the second boss appears on the 5th floor of the tower;
    • After the death of the second boss - there is a third boss on the 7th floor of the tower;
    • After the death of the third boss - the location goes to level 1.

Boss appearances, boss deaths, and location level transitions are announced to the world.

Boss drop №1 (3.5 floor)



Weapon_soul_bow_i00_0.jpg Soul Bow
Weapon_soul_separator_i00_0.jpg Soul Seporator
Weapon_dark_legions_edge_i00_0.jpg Dark Legion
Weapon_carnium_bow_i00_0.jpg Carnage Bow
Weapon_bloody_orchid_i00_0.jpg Bloody Orchid
Weapon_tallum_blade_i00_0.jpg Tallum Blade

Armor_t83_ul_i02_0.jpg Sealed Majestic Heavy
Armor_t80_ul_i02_0.jpg Sealed Nightmare Heavy
Sealed_Majestic_Leather_Armor.jpg Sealed Majestic Light
Armor_t74_u_i02_0.jpg Sealed Dark Crystal Breastplate
Armor_t74_l_i02_0.jpg Sealed Dark Crystal Gaiters

Armor_t77_ul_i02_0.jpg Sealed Tallum Plate
Armor_t75_u_i02_0.jpg Sealed Dark Crystal Light
Armor_t75_l_i02_0.jpg Sealed Dark Crystal Leggins

Etc_branch_gold_i00_0.jpg Soul Bow Shaft
Etc_sword_body_i00_0.jpg Soul Seporator Blade
Etc_sword_body_i00_0.jpg Dark Legion Blade
Etc_branch_gold_i00_0.jpg Carnage Bow Shaft
Etc_sword_body_i00_0.jpg Bloody Orchid Key
Etc_sword_body_i00_0.jpg Tallum Blade

Etc_letter_red_i00_0.jpg Majestic Heav Part
Etc_letter_red_i00_0.jpg Nightmare Heav Part
Etc_letter_red_i00_0.jpg Majestic Light Part
Etc_letter_red_i00_0.jpg Dark Crystal Braestplate Part
Etc_letter_red_i00_0.jpg Dark Crystal Gaiters Part
Etc_letter_red_i00_0.jpg Tallum Plate Armor Part
Etc_letter_red_i00_0.jpg Dark Crystal Light Part
Etc_letter_red_i00_0.jpg Dark Crystal Leggins Part

Etc_scroll_of_enchant_armor_i04_0.jpg Enchant Armor Scroll

Etc_scroll_of_enchant_weapon_i04_0.jpg Enchant Weapon Scroll

Etc_blessed_scrl_of_ench_am_a_i04_0.jpg Blessed Enchant Armor Scroll

Etc_blessed_scrl_of_ench_wp_a_i04_0.jpg Blessed Enchant Weapon Scroll

Boss drop №2 (5 floor)



Weapon_tallum_glaive_i00_0.jpg Tallum Glaive
Weapon_dragon_grinder_i00_0.jpg Dragon Grinder
Weapon_dragon_slayer_i00_0.jpg Dragon Slayer
Weapon_soul_bow_i00_0.jpg Soul Bow
Weapon_dark_legions_edge_i00_0.jpg Dark Legion
Weapon_soul_separator_i00_0.jpg Soul Seporator

Armor_t80_ul_i02_0.jpg Sealed Nigtmare Heavy
Armor_t82_ul_i02_0.jpg Sealed Nightmare Robe
Armor_t81_ul_i02_0.jpg Sealed Nightmare Light
Armor_t80_g_i02_0.jpg Sealed Nightmare Gloves
Armor_t80_b_i02_0.jpg Sealed Nightmare Boots
Armor_leather_helmet_i02_0.jpg Sealed Nightmare Helmet

Etc_sword_body_i00_0.jpg Tallum Glaive Blade
Etc_sword_body_i00_0.jpg Dragon Grinder Blade
Etc_sword_body_i00_0.jpg Dragon Slayer Blade
Etc_branch_gold_i00_0.jpg Soul Bow Shaft
Etc_sword_body_i00_0.jpg Dark Legeon Blade
Etc_sword_body_i00_0.jpg Soul Seporator Blade

Etc_letter_red_i00_0.jpg Sealed Nigtmare Heav Part
Etc_letter_red_i00_0.jpg Sealed Nightmare Robe Part
Etc_letter_red_i00_0.jpg Sealed Nightmare Light Part
Etc_letter_red_i00_0.jpg Sealed Nightmare Gloves Part
Etc_letter_red_i00_0.jpg Sealed Nightmare Boots
Etc_letter_red_i00_0.jpg Sealed Nightmare Helmet

Etc_scroll_of_enchant_armor_i04_0.jpg Enchant Armor Scroll

Etc_scroll_of_enchant_weapon_i04_0.jpg Enchant Weapon Scroll

Etc_blessed_scrl_of_ench_am_a_i04_0.jpg Blessed Enchant Armor Scroll

Etc_blessed_scrl_of_ench_wp_a_i04_0.jpg Blessed Enchant Weapon Scroll

Boss drop №3 (7 floor)



Weapon_worldtrees_branch_i00_0.jpg Branch of the Mother Tree
Weapon_sword_of_miracle_i00_0.jpg Sword of Miracle
Weapon_elysian_i00_0.jpg Elysian
Weapon_doom_crusher_i00_0.jpg Doom Crusher
Weapon_dragon_flame_head_i00_0.jpg Flaming Dragon Skull
Weapon_dual_sword_i00_0.jpg Tallum Blade*Damascus

Armor_t83_ul_i02_0.jpg Sealed Majestic Heavy
Armor_t85_ul_i02_0.jpg Sealed Majestic Robe
Sealed_Majestic_Leather_Armor.jpg Sealed Majestic Light
Armor_t83_g_i02_0.jpg Sealed Majestic Gloves
Armor_t83_b_i02_0.jpg Sealed Majestic Boots
Armor_leather_helmet_i02_0.jpg Sealed Majestic Helmet

Etc_squares_silver_i00_0.jpg Branch of the Mother Tree Key
Etc_sword_body_i00_0.jpg Sword of Miracle
Etc_squares_silver_i00_0.jpg Elisum key
Etc_sword_body_i00_0.jpg Doom Crusher Key
Etc_squares_silver_i00_0.jpg Flaming Dragon Key

Etc_letter_red_i00_0.jpg Majestic Heavy Armor Part
Etc_letter_red_i00_0.jpg Majestic Robe Part
Etc_letter_red_i00_0.jpg Majestic Light Armor Part
Etc_letter_red_i00_0.jpg Majestic Gloves Part
Etc_letter_red_i00_0.jpg Majestic Boots
Etc_letter_red_i00_0.jpg Majestic Helmet

Etc_scroll_of_enchant_armor_i04_0.jpg Enchant Armor Scroll

Etc_scroll_of_enchant_weapon_i04_0.jpg Enchant Weapon Scroll

Etc_blessed_scrl_of_ench_am_a_i04_0.jpg Blessed Enchant Armor Scroll

Etc_blessed_scrl_of_ench_wp_a_i04_0.jpg Blessed Enchant Weapon Scroll

Bosses Locations




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