Raid and epic bosses







Raid Bosses Around the World

  • Raid Bosses now appear as in the classic version of the game.
  • Respawn time: 12 + 8 hour.
  • Characteristics of bosses returned to the standard by chronicles Interlude.
  • Drop from bosses standard on chronicles Interlude.

Raid Bosses required for the quest Fate's Whisper (quest for subclass).

  • Respawn time: 8 + 2 hour.
  • Important! The old Raid Bosses (Death Lord Hallate, Kernon, Longhorn Golkonda) are no longer required to complete the Fate's Whisper quest.
  • New Raid Bosses for the Fate's Whisper quest will be updated for each stage (level, drop) and will be required during all stages of the server (the list of these bosses will be given below).


  • Black Lily is now an analogue of the old Raid Boss Lord of Death Hallate


  • Lord Ishka is now an analogue of the old Raid Boss Kernon


  • Bloody Priest Rudelkо is now an analogue of the old Raid Boss Longhorn Golkonda


Raid Boss Barakiel

Changes were made to the time spawn:

  • Spawn time: 8 + 2 hours.

Upgrade SA by killing raid bosses

The ability to pump was added Etc soul stone i01 0.jpg of Soul Crystals for next Raid Bosses (in addition to the classic Interlude chronicles).

  • Etc soul stone i01 0.jpg Soul Crystal - Level 11:
    • Enchant chance 5%
      • Ancient Drake
      • Giant Marpanak
      • Rahha
      • Fierce Tiger King
      • Lord Gargoyle Typhon
  • Etc soul stone i01 0.jpg Soul Crystal - Level 12:
    • Enchant chance 5%
      • Ancient Drake
      • Giant Marpanak
      • Rahha
      • Fierce Tiger King
      • Lord Gargoyle Typhon
  • Etc soul stone i01 0.jpg Soul Crystal - Level 13:
    • Enchant chance 5%
      • Longhorn Golkonda
      • Chieftain Varka Horus
      • Gordon
      • Chief Ketra Brakki

Raid bosses in varka and Ketra locations

Was changed receiving system items on the quest for the 4th and 5th level of the alliance with Etc ketra friendship 5 i00 0.jpg Ketra and Etc barka friendship 5 i00 0.jpg Varka.

  • Removed the standard system for obtaining items. Now it is not required to be in the group that finished off the boss in order to get the quest item.
  • Now, when killing bosses (Hero of Ketra Hekaton, Warlord of Ketra Tayr, Hero of Varka Shadit, Warlord of Varka Mos), a chest will appear, talking to which you can get a quest item.

IMPORTANT! The quest item from the chest can only be obtained if there is a quest to kill the boss.

  • Alliance with Varka:
    • When killing the Hero of Ketra Hekaton, a chest will appear Hekaton's Chest, which will issue Etc skull white i00 0.jpg Head of Hekaton
    • When you kill Warlord Ketra Tayr, a chest will appear Chest of Warlord Taira, which will give out Etc skull red i00 0.jpg Head of Tairus
  • Alliance with Ketra:
    • When the Hero of Varka Shadit is killed, a chest will appear Shadit's Chest, which will give out Etc skull white i00 0.jpg Head of Shadith.
    • When you kill Warlord Varka Mos, a chest will appear Warlord Mos Chest, which will give out Etc skull red i00 0.jpg Head of Mos.


GMT+3 Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday
20:00 - 21:00 Queen Ant and Priest of Queen Ant  

Zaken and Fortress Overseer

King Raul

* Special (20:00 no random)

Core and Priest of Core

King Raul

* Special (20:00 no random)

21:00 - 22:00 Orfen and Priest of Orfen   Baium

Frintezza 21:00 - 21:30


Time: GMT+3

* Special - Event for mid-clans. Only team channel leaders who have received an entry item through the user support department can enter.

More ways to get Original Jewelry

In addition to drops from Legendary Bosses, you can create original costume jewelry for items taken from the Priests. Creation takes place at NPC Galaducci Workbench in Giran's Luxury Shop.

Spawn time of Priests - appear at the same time as the epic boss of the same name.

Example: If the Queen Ant appears in the world, her Priest (Princess of the Ants) will appear with her in the neighboring location.

What kind of jewelry can be created

  • Accessory_ring_of_core_i00_0.jpg Ring of Core
  • Accessory_earring_of_orfen_i00_0.jpg Earring of Orfen
  • Accessory_ring_of_queen_ant_i00_0.jpg Ring of Queen Ant
  • Accessory_earring_of_zaken_i00_0.jpg Earring of Zaken

What is needed to create

  • A certain amount of Refined red blood of dragon 0.jpg Bottle of Blood
    • Drop from Priests - 100%;
    • Drop from Epic Boss - 70%.
  • A certain amount of Etc royal seal of lord i04 0.jpg Print Epic Ornaments
    • Drop from Priests - 30%;
    • Drop from Epic Boss - 20%.

The Blood Bottle and the Epic Ornament Seal can be knocked out by killing Priests

  • Arima - located near the location of the Sea of Spores
  • The Priest of the Core is near the Cruma Tower location
  • Ant Princess is located near the Ant Nest location
  • Fortress Warden - located in the Border Outpost location

Create original jewelry using Blood Bottles and Seals of Epic Jewels at Giran's Luxury Shop (NPC Galaducci Workbench):





Bosses in Chapter №2


  • Skill0326_0.jpg Changed the entry system forEpic Boss Baium.
    • Important! Now, during a dialogue with Baium, a 30-minute timer starts. At this time, the passage is open andthe entrance to Baium’s lair is accessible.
    • After 30 minutes, the entrance closes and Baium wakes up.
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  • Level: 68
  • Respawn time:
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  • Reworked dropfor the second stage of the server:
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  • Level: 68
  • Respawn time:
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  • Reworked dropfor the 2nd stage of the server:
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  • Level: 68
  • Respawn time:
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  • Reworked dropfor the 2nd stage of the server:
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  • Level: 68
  • Respawn time:
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  • Reworked dropfor the 2nd stage of the server:
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  • Important! The system for awakening Baium has been changed.
  • Level: 68
  • Respawn time:
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  • Reworked dropfor the 2nd stage of the server:
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  • Important! Epic Boss Frintezza is no longer a time zone.
  • Level: 68
  • Spawn time:
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  • Drop 2 chapter:
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  • To enter the raid boss, the leader of the command channel must have the item Etc_scroll_gray_i00_0.jpg Frintezza's Magic Force Field Removal Scroll (purchased from NPC Rich Family Cat);
  • The NPC for entry is located in the center of the first room of the Imperial Tomb;
  • A command channel of 4 to 5 parties can enter;
  • All characters in the parties must be near the entry NPC;
  • After entering, you have 35 minutes to reach the raid boss Frintezza;
  • The raid boss appears 10 minutes after entering the room.






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