Updated dungeons
- Enter Requirements: group from 2 to 7 people.
- Entering the Hall of the Abyss - carried out as in the classic version of the game, from special NPCs in different cities (depending on the level).
Zone update: Daily at 6:30 (GMT +3).
- Hall of the Abyss: Lv. 23, 26
- Town: Gludio
NPC: Captain Cortez
- Hall of the Abyss: Lv. 33, 36
- Town: Dion
NPC: Captain Lucas
- Hall of the Abyss: Lv. 43, 46
- Town: Heine
NPC: Captain Gosta
- Hall of the Abyss: Lv. 53, 56
- Town: Oren
NPC: Captain Mouen
- Hall of the Abyss: Lv. 63, 66
- Town: Shuttgard
NPC: Captain Vishotsky
- Hall of the Abyss: Lv. 68-81
- Town: Rune
NPC: Captain Mathias
- Added missions Complete Hall of the Abyss and Complete x2 Hall of the Abyss for finishing of dungeon.
As a mission reward, you can get
You can take the award at
missions in part Raid.
Hall of the Abyss - 23 Level.
(For characters 18-28 Level) -
Hall of the Abyss - 26 Level.
(For characters 21-31 Level) -
Hall of the Abyss - 33 Level.
(For characters 28-38 Level) -
Hall of the Abyss - 36 Level.
(For characters 31-41 Level) -
Hall of the Abyss - 43 Level.
(For characters 38-48 Level) -
Hall of the Abyss - 46 Level.
(For characters 41 - 51 Level)-
- 112 853
- 11 285
Hall of the Abyss - 53 Level.
(For characters 48-58 Level)-
- 128 745
- 12 874
Hall of the Abyss - 56 Level.
(For characters 51 - 61 Level)-
- 133 280
- 13 328
Hall of the Abyss - 63 Level.
(For characters 61-68 Level)-
- 138 915
- 13 891
Hall of the Abyss - 66 Level.
(For characters 61-71 Level)-
- 139 392
- 13 939
Hall of the Abyss - 72+ Level.
(Для персонажей 72-81 Level)-
- 155 429
- 15 542
Hall of the Abyss - 23 Level.
Additionally, for killing the boss, each member of the group will receive
Treasure of the Hall of the Abyss and
Dungeon Conqueror Chest which contains the following rewards:
Abyssal Hall Treasure D-grade
Scroll: Enchant Armor (D-grade)
Blessed Scroll: Enchant Armor (D-grade)
Scroll: Enchant Weapon (D-grade)
Blessed Scroll: Enchant Weapon (D-grade)
Elven Ring Piece
Elven Earring Beads
Elven Necklace Beads
Elven Ring
Elven Earring
Elven Necklace
Abyssal Hall Treasure C-grade
Scroll: Enchant Armor (C-grade)
Blessed Scroll: Enchant Armor (C-grade)
Scroll: Enchant Weapon (C-grade)
Blessed Scroll: Enchant Weapon (C-grade)
Ring of Ages Gemstone
Earring of Seal Gemstone
Necklace of Mermaid Teardrop
Ring of Ages
Earring of Seal
Necklace of Mermaid
Abyssal Hall Treasure B-grade
Scroll: Enchant Armor (B-grade)
Blessed Scroll: Enchant Armor (B-grade)
Scroll: Enchant Weapon (B-grade)
Blessed Scroll: Enchant Weapon (B-grade)
Ring of Black Ore Gemstone
Earring of Black Ore Piece
Necklace of Black Ore Beads
Ring of Black Ore
Earring of Black Ore
Necklace of Black Ore
Abyssal Hall Treasure A-grade
Scroll: Enchant Armor (A-grade)
Blessed Scroll: Enchant Armor (A-grade)
Scroll: Enchant Weapon (A-grade)
Blessed Scroll: Enchant Weapon (A-grade)
Sealed Majestic Ring Gemstone
Sealed Majestic Earring Gemstone
Sealed Majestic Necklace Beads
Sealed Majestic Ring
Sealed Majestic Earring
Sealed Majestic Necklace
Abyssal Hall Treasure S-grade
Scroll: Enchant Armor (S-grade)
Blessed Scroll: Enchant Armor (S-grade)
Scroll: Enchant Weapon (S-grade)
Blessed Scroll: Enchant Weapon (S-grade)
Sealed Tateossian Ring Gem
Sealed Tateossian Earring Part
Sealed Tateossian Necklace Chain
Sealed Tateossian Ring
Sealed Tateossian Earring
Sealed Tateossian Necklace
Hunter Equipment *
The reward is given in Kamaloka Hall of the Abyss to level 46.Спойлер-
Greater CP Potion 15 pcs.
Greater Healing Potion 15 pcs.
Quick Healing Potion 5 pcs.
Traveler's Chowder 2 pcs.
Scroll: Enchant Armor (D-Grade)
Scroll: Enchant Armor (C-Grade)
Scroll: Enchant Weapon (D-Grade)
Scroll: Enchant Weapon (C-Grade)
Blessed Scroll: Enchant Cloak
Blessed Scroll: Enchant Bracelet
Emperor's Cocktail
Pirate Special Fruit
Super Healthy Juice (HP)
Super Healthy Juice (CP)
Hunter Equipment **
The reward is given in Kamaloka Hall of the Abyss after level 46 and to level 65.Спойлер-
Greater CP Potion 15 pcs.
Greater Healing Potion 15 pcs.
Quick Healing Potion 5 pcs.
Traveler's Chowder 2 pcs.
Scroll: Enchant Armor (C-Grade)
Scroll: Enchant Armor (B-Grade)
Scroll: Enchant Weapon (C-Grade)
Scroll: Enchant Weapon (B-Grade)
Blessed Scroll: Enchant Cloak
Blessed Scroll: Enchant Bracelet
Emperor's Cocktail
Pirate Special Fruit
Super Healthy Juice (HP)
Super Healthy Juice (CP)
- Pouch of R-Silver - can get R-Silver 15-45 pcs.
- Pouch of Fragments - can get 30-75 pcs. fragments.
Hunter Equipment ***
Issued for completing the Hall of the Abyss lvl 73+.Спойлер-
Greater CP Potion 15 pcs.
Greater Healing Potion 15 pcs.
Quick Healing Potion 5 pcs.
Traveler's Chowder 2 pcs.
Scroll: Enchant Armor (C-Grade)
Scroll: Enchant Armor (B-Grade)
Scroll: Enchant Weapon (C-Grade)
Scroll: Enchant Weapon (B-Grade)
Blessed Scroll: Enchant Cloak
Blessed Scroll: Enchant Bracelet
Emperor's Cocktail
Pirate Special Fruit
Super Healthy Juice (HP)
Super Healthy Juice (CP)
- Pouch of R-Silver - can get R-Silver 15-45 pcs.
- Pouch of Fragments - can get 30-75 pcs. fragments.
- Enter Requirements: group from 2 to 7 people.
Entering the Labyrinth of the Abyss - carried out as in the classic version of the game, from special NPCs in different cities (Depending on the level).
- Labyrinth of the Abyss: Lv. 29
- Town: Gludio
NPC: Captain Cortez
- Labyrinth of the Abyss: Lv. 39
- Town: Dion
NPC: Captain Lucas
- Labyrinth of the Abyss: Lv. 49
- Town: Heine
NPC: Captain Gosta
- Labyrinth of the Abyss: Lv. 59
- Town: Oren
NPC: Captain Mouen
- Labyrinth of the Abyss: Lv. 69
- Town: Shuttgard
NPC: Captain Vishotsky
- Labyrinth of the Abyss: Lv. 78
- Town: Rune
NPC: Captain Mathias
Removed getting additional
for killing the main boss.
- Missions added Complete Labyrinth of the Abyss and Complete x2 Labyrinth of the Abyss for completing the dungeon.
As a mission reward, you can get
You can pick up the award at
missions on tab Raid.
Labyrinth of the Abyss - 29 Level.
(For characters 24-34 level) -
Labyrinth of the Abyss - 39 Level.
(For characters 35-44 level) -
Labyrinth of the Abyss - 49 Level.
(For characters 45-54 level) -
Labyrinth of the Abyss - 59 Level.
(For characters 55-64 level) -
Labyrinth of the Abyss - 69 Level.
(For characters 65-75 level) -
Labyrinth of the Abyss - 78 Level.
(For characters 76 - 82 level)-
- 7.200.000
- 720.000
Labyrinth of the Abyss - 29 Level.
- Specials have been added tittles to the main monsters on the 1st floors of the labyrinth.
- Zone update: Daily at 6:30 (GMT +3).
Labyrinth of the Abyss - 29 Level
Manticore Skin Shirt
Manticore Skin Gaiters
Reinforced Long Bow
Manticore Skin Shirt Texture
Manticore Skin Gaiters Pattern
Reinforced Long Bow Shaft
Blessed Scroll: Enchant Armor (D-grade)
Labyrinth of the Abyss - 39 Level
Karmian Tunic
Karmian Stockings
Karmian Tunic Pattern
Karmian Stockings Design
Stormbringer Blade
Flamberge Blade
Greater Dye of STR (Str+2 Con -2)
Greater Dye of STR (Str+2 Dex -2)
Blessed Scroll: Enchant Armor (C-grade)
Labyrinth of the Abyss - 49 Level
Ring of Seal
Nassen's Earring
Necklace of Seal
Emience Bow
Ring of Seal Gemstone
Nassen's Earring Gemstone
Necklace of Seal Chain
Emience Bow Shaft
Greater Dye of INT (Int+3 Wit-3)
Greater Dye of MEN (Men+3 Int-3)
Greater Dye of INT (Int+3 Men-3)
Blessed Scroll: Enchant Weapon (C-grade)
Labyrinth of the Abyss - 59 Level
Low B Armor - All types
Keys Low B Armor - All types
Top B Armor - All types
Keys Top B Armor - All types
Labyrinth of the Abyss - 69 Level
Low A Armor - All types
Keys Low A Armor - All types
Top A Armor - All types
Keys Top A Armor - All types
Labyrinth of the Abyss - 78 Level
S Armor - All types
Keys S Armor - All types
- The time zone has one cooldown (both at the Castle and at the Fortress). You can go there just one time per day. Update in 6:30 GMT+3.
- Instance zone can enter group from 2 to 7 people.
- Removed the limit on the number of groups that can enter the dungeon.
- Monsters and Raid Bosses in the instanced zone have levels depending on server stage.
- With each subsequent wave, the characteristics of the boss will increase.
- Rewards will be changed depending on the stage of the server, what you can take from bosses.
First wave:
- Monsters: 60 Level
Raid Boss: 60 Level
Zubei Leather Shirt
Zubei Leather Gaiters
Leather Armor of Doom
Leather Armor of Doom Design
Zubei's Leather Shirt Fabric
Zubei's Leather Gaiters Texture
Dark Elven Long Bow
Dark Elven Long Bow Shaft
Great Axe
Great Axe Head
Weapon Stone B-Grade
Armor Stone B-Grade
Scroll of Reputation 1 000
Second wave:
- Monsters: 61 Level
Raid Boss: 61 Level
Avadon Breastplate
Avadon Gaiters
Blue Wolf Brestplate
Blue Wolf Gaiters
Avadon Breastplate Part
Avadon Gaiters Material
Blue Wolf Breastplate Part
Blue Wolf Gaiters Material
Keshanberk Blade
Kris Edge
Weapon Stone B-Grade
Armor Stone B-Grade
Scroll of Reputation 1 000
Third wave:
- Monsters: 62 Level
Raid Boss: 62 Level
Avadon Robe
Tunic of Doom
Stockings of Doom
Avadon Robe Fabric
Tunic of Doom Pattern
Stockings of Doom Pattern
Hell Knife
Hell Knife Edge
Spirit's Staff
Spirit's Staff Head
Weapon Stone B-Grade
Armor Stone B-Grade
Scroll of Reputation 1 000
First wave:
- Monsters: 70 Level
Raid Boss: 70 Level
Sealed Dark Crystal Leather Armor
Sealed Dark Crystal Leggings
Sealed Tallum Leather Armor
Sealed Dark Crystal Leather Armor Pattern
Sealed Dark Crystal Leggings Design
Sealed Tallum Leather Armor Pattern
Bloody Orchid
Bloody Orchid Head
Destroyer Hammer
Destroyer Hammer Piece
Weapon Stone A-Grade
Armor Stone A-Grade
Scroll of Reputation 1 000
Second wave:
- Monsters: 71 Level
Raid Boss: 71 Level
Sealed Dark Crystal Breastplate
Sealed Dark Crystal Gaiters
Sealed Tallum Plate Armor
Sealed Dark Crystal Breastplate Pattern
Sealed Dark Crystal Gaiters Pattern
Sealed Tallum Plate Armor Pattern
Meteor Shower
Meteor Shower Head
Tallum Blade
Tallum Blade Edge
Weapon Stone A-Grade
Armor Stone A-Grade
Scroll of Reputation 1 000
Third wave:
- Monsters: 72 Level
Raid Boss: 72 Level
Sealed Dark Crystal Robe
Sealed Tallum Tunic
Sealed Tallum Stockings
Sealed Dark Crystal Robe Fabric
Sealed Tallum Tunic Texture
Sealed Tallum Stockings Fabric
Dasparion's Staff
Dasparions Staff head
Blood Tornado
Blood Tornado Edge
Weapon Stone A-Grade
Armor Stone A-Grade
Scroll of Reputation 1 000
First wave:
- Monsters: 80 Level
Raid Boss: 80 Level
Sealed Draconic Leather Armor
Sealed Majestic Leather Armor
Sealed Leather Armor of Nightmare
Sealed Draconic Leather Armor Part
Sealed Majestic Leather Armor Fabric
Sealed Leather Armor of Nightmare Fabric
Naga Storm
Naga Storm Piece
Dragon Hunter Axe
Dragon Hunter Axe Blade
Weapon Stone S-Grade
Armor Stone S-Grade
Scroll of Reputation 1 000
Second wave:
- Monsters: 81 Level
Raid Boss: 81 Level
Sealed Imperial Crusader Breastplate
Sealed Imperial Crusader Gaiters
Sealed Majestic Plate Armor
Sealed Nightmare Plate Armor
Sealed Imperial Crusader Breastplate Part
Sealed Imperial Crusader Gaiters Pattern
Sealed Majestic Plate Armor Pattern
Sealed Nighmare Plate Armor Pattern
Tiphon's Spear
Tiphon Spear Edge
Basalt Battlehammer
Basalt Battlehammer Head
Weapon Stone S-Grade
Armor Stone S-Grade
Scroll of Reputation 1 000
Third wave:
- Monsters: 82 Level
Raid Boss: 82 Level
Sealed Major Arcana Robe
Sealed Majestic Robe
Sealed Nightmare Robe
Sealed Major Arcana Robe Parts
Sealed Majestic Robe Fabric
Sealed Nightmare Robe Fabric
Cabrio's Hand
Cabrio's Hand Head
Saint Spear
Saint Spear Blade
Weapon Stone S-Grade
Armor Stone S-Grade
Scroll of Reputation 1 000
- For finish of each Wave with boss you will take a certain number of epaulettes for each member in group:
Epaulettes can be obtained after killing the boss in
missions in tab Raid.
Shop assortment for epaulettes:
Quick Healing Potion x1 =
Giant Codex - Mastery x1 =
Weapon Stone: increase chance of enchant (Grade D) +20% x1 =
Weapon Stone: increase chance of enchant (Grade C) +18% x1 =
Weapon Stone: increase chance of enchant (Grade В) +15% x1 =
Weapon Stone: increase chance of enchant (Grade A) +12% x1 =
Weapon Stone: increase chance of enchant (Grade S) +10% x1 =
Armor Stone: increase chance of enchant (Grade D) +35% x1 =
Armor Stone: increase chance of enchant (Grade C) +27% x1 =
Armor Stone: increase chance of enchant (Grade В) +23% x1 =
Armor Stone: increase chance of enchant (Grade A) +18% x1 =
Armor Stone: increase chance of enchant (Grade S) +15% x1 =
Bracelet Piece - x1 =
Cloak Fabric x1 =
Belt part x1 =
Blood Oath х1 =
Blood Alliance х1 =
Dual Weapon Crafting Stamp х1 =
Important! Access to this dungeon will be open 2 weeks after the start of the server.
- Raid Boss: Zaken
- Location: Devil's Isle
Entrance to the island through NPC Zaken Researcher Somulitan
Entrance to the instance zone through NPC Pathfinder Worker
- Level: 50~82
- Available time: 1 hour
- Update time: Wednesday and Saturday on 6:30 (GMT +3)
- Entrance: 7 characters
If zaken was killed for 15 min or less - each member of group take more
Experience and
Skill Points.
If Zaken will killed later than 15 minutes - the group gets less
Experience and
Skill Points.
For passing you get Zaken's Treasure.
Red Soul Crystal Stage 5 - 11 х1
Green Soul Crystal Stage 5 - 11 х1
Blue Soul Crystal Stage 5 - 11 х1
Pirate Currency х10
Scroll: Enchant Cloak х1
Blessed Scroll: Enchant Belt х1
Blessed Scroll: Enchant Cloak х1
Quick Healing Potion х5
Spirit Ore х25
Soul Ore х125
Soulshot and Spiritshot Coupon х2
Greater Haste Potion х10
Greater Wind Walk Potion х10
Greater Healing Potion х10
Greater Magic Haste Potion х10
Elixir of Life B-S Grade х1
Elixir of CP B-S Grade х1
Elixir of Mind B-S Grade x1
Scroll: Recovery C-Grade x1
Scroll: Recovery B-Grade x1
Scroll: Recovery A-Grade x1
Scroll: Recovery S-Grade x1
Blessed Scroll of Resurrection x1
Blessed Scroll of Escape x1
Rice Cake x1
Hot Rice Cake x1
Great CP Potion x100
Traveler`s Chowder x1
Mid-Grade Life Stone x1
High-Grade Life Stone x1
Top-Grade Life Stone x1
Top B Weapon - All types
Low B Weapon - All types
Keys Top B Weapon - All types
Keys Low B Weapon - All types
Earring of Zaken
Ability to upgrade Soul Crystal to level 11
Low A Weapon - All types
Keys Low A Weapon - All types
Earring of Zaken
Ability to upgrade Soul Crystal to level 12
Top A Weapon - All types
Keys Top A Weapon - All types
Earring of Zaken
Ability to upgrade Soul Crystal to level 12
Best A Weapon - All types
Keys Best A Weapon - All types
Earring of Zaken
Ability to upgrade Soul Crystal to level 12
S weapon - All types
Keys S Weapon - All types
Earring of Zaken
Ability to upgrade Soul Crystal to level 12
- Instance Boss: Freya
- Start of instance: 3 stage of server
- Location: Frozen Labyrinth
- Entrance: Come the NPC Freya's Steward, he moves us to the Frozen Lake.
- From NPC Jinia enters Freya's lair
- Needed level: 76
- Available time: 120 min
- Zone update: Saturday on 6:30 (GMT +3)
- Entrance: from 14 to 35 characters
Freya Necklace
S-Grade Weapon - All types
S-Grade Armor - All types
Weapon Best A-Grade
Armor Top A-Grade
Necklace of Freya
M def - 95
Resistance to Water +10
Resistance to Bleed 20%
Resistance to Sleep/Shock/Paralysis +15%
Resistance to Mental Attack +10%
Magical Skill Re-use delay - 5%
Reflect Damage melee attack - 4%
Max MP +50
MP Regeneration +0.23
- Characteristic can be changed.
Blessed Necklace of Freya
Improvements will become available over time
Necklace of Freya to
Blessed Necklace of Freya.
Improvements will become available over time
- Raid Bosses Yehan Klodekus and Yehan Klanikus
Entrance to the dungeon through NPC Officer Tepios, who stay in Aden.
Entrance to the dungeon through NPC Death Gate
- Level: 76
- Entrance: group up to 7 people
- Needed quest Death Knight
A quest is required to enter the dungeon location Death Knight, which can be obtained from NPC Officer Tephios. He asks to capture the caves. First capture the first 5 rooms, then destroy the Death Knights who are guarding the last room.
- Talk to NPC Officer Tepios, he will move you to the territory of Death Gate.
- The group leader should talk to NPC Death Gate to enter the dungeon.
- The group moves to the dungeon, which consists of 6 rooms.
The first 5 rooms contain Tumor of Death, who are surrounded by monsters. They must be destroyed.
There are 2 Raid-Bosses in room 6 Yehan Klodekus and Yehan Klanikus
Important! The task of the group is to destroy the bosses at the same time, otherwise the surviving twin will resurrect the second.
Yehan Klodekus
Sealed Tateossian Earring
Sealed Tateossian Ring
Sealed Tateossian Necklace
Demon Splinter
Sealed Tateossian Earring Part
Sealed Tateossian Ring Gem
Sealed Tateossian Necklace Chain
Demon Splinter Blade
Scroll: Enchant Armor (S-grade)
Scroll: Enchant Weapon (S-grade)
Blessed Scroll: Enchant Weapon (S-grade)
CRP Scroll
Yehan Klanikus
Sealed Imperial Crusader Gauntlet
Sealed Imperial Crusader Boots
Sealed Draconic Leather Glove
Sealed Draconic Leather Boots
Sealed Major Arcana Glove
Sealed Major Arcana Boots
Basalt Battlehammer
Imperial Staff
Dragon Hunter Axe
Arcana Mace
Sealed Imperial Crusader Gauntlet Design
Sealed Imperial Crusader Boots Design
Sealed Draconic Leather Glove Fabric
Sealed Draconic Leather Boots Design
Sealed Major Arcana Glove Fabric
Sealed Major Arcana Boots Design
Basalt Battlehammer Head
Imperial Staff Head
Dragon Hunter Axe Blade
Arcana Mace Head
Blood Brother
Blessed Scroll: Enchant Armor (S-grade)
Blessed Scroll of Resurrection
CRP Scroll
- The reward depends on the time of passing the dungeon.
- The more time you need to complete the dungeon, the worse your reward will be.
Drop added: 5% chance to drop from one of the bosses
Forgotten Scroll - Fighter's / Archer's / Magician Will
*The reward is temporarily unavailable until the attribute is entered.
Jewel Ornamented Duel Supplies
- Time zone: less than 22 minutes.
Dust Stone х30
Mother-of-Pearl Ornamented Duel Supplies
- Time zone: 22-23 min.
Dust Stone х28
Worthless Duel Supplies
- Time zone: 23-24 min.
Dust Stone х26
Poor-Looking Duel Supplies
- Time zone: 24-25 min.
Dust Stone х24
Sad-Looking Duel Supplies
- Time zone: 25-26 min.
Dust Stone х22
Weak-Looking Duel Supplies
- Time zone: 26-27 min.
Dust Stone х20
Non-Ornamented Duel Supplies
- Time zone: 27-28 min.
Dust Stone х18
Silver-Ornamented Duel Supplies
- Time zone: 28-29 min.
Dust Stone х16
Silver-Ornamented Duel Supplies
- Time zone: 29-30 min.
Dust Stone х14
Gold-Ornamented Duel Supplies
- Time zone: More then 30 min
Dust Stone х12
- AFK-Farm (Offline Leveling),
- Quests: Sub-class and Noblesse,
- Epic Jewelry and Creating Fake Jewelry,
- Soul Crystals,
- Enchanted items L2 Remastered,
- Magic Lamp,
- Daily Missions Remastered,
- Clans,
- Hunting pass,
- Raid and epic bosses,
- Castles and Fortress,
- Brooch and Gems,
- Rising King Raul,
- Skill changes,
- Chapter description,
- Equipment changes,
- Game shop,
- Grand Olympiad Games,
- Collections.