Equipment changes


Armor Changes


Visual effects when enchanting sets

Now, when an entire set of armor is upgraded by +6, +7 and +8, the equipped items begin to glow spectacularly.

  • Upgrading the entire set +6 creates the effect - white
  • Upgrading the entire set +7 creates the effect - blue
  • Upgrading the entire set +8 creates the effect - purple
  • Upgrading the entire set of S-rank +9 creates the effect -red
  • Upgrading the entire S-rank set +10 creates the effect -golden


Changes to armor parameters

Equipment B-grade

Sets Added bonuses
armor_t66_u_i00.png Avadon Heavy Set (Heavy) Mental resistance +30%
armor_t67_ul_i00.png Avadon Leather Set (Light) Mental resistance +30%
armor_t59_ul_i00.png Avadon Robe Set (Robe) Mental resistance +30%
armor_t68_u_i00.png Blue Wolf Set (Heavy) Stun resistance +30%
armor_t69_ul_i00.png Blue Wolf Leather Set (Light) Stun resistance +30%
armor_t70_u_i00.png Blue Wolf Set (Robe) Stun resistance +30%
armor_t71_ul_i00.png Doom Plate Set (Heavy) Sleep and hold resistance +30%
armor_t72_ul_i00.png Leather Set of Doom (Light) Sleep and hold resistance +30%
armor_t73_u_i00.png Set of Doom (Robe) Sleep and hold resistance +30%
Casting speed +10%
armor_t64_u_i00.png Zubei's Set (Heavy) Paralysis resistance +30%
armor_t65_u_i00.png Zubei's Leather Set (Light) Paralysis resistance +30%
Attack speed +4%
armor_t56_u_i00.png Set of Zubei (Robe) Paralysis resistance +30%
Casting speed +5%

Equipment A-grade

Sets Added bonuses
armor_t74_u_i00.png Dark Crystal Set (Heavy) P.def +5%
armor_t83_ul_i00.png Majestic Plate Set (Heavy) Stun resistance reduced from 50% to 40%
armor_t84_ul_i00.png Majestic Leather Set (Light) Stun resistance reduced from 50% to 40%
armor_t85_ul_i00.png Majestic set (Robe) Stun resistance reduced from 50% to 40%
armor_t77_ul_i00.png Tallum Plate Set (Heavy) Mental resistance +30%
armor_t78_ul_i00.png Tallum Leather Set (Light) Mental resistance +30%
Casting speed +15%
armor_t79_u_i00.png Tallum Set (Robe) Mental resistance +30%
armor_t80_ul_i00.png Set of Nightmare (Heavy) Sleep and Hold Resistance changed from 70% to 40%
armor_t81_ul_i00.png Leather Set of Nightmare (Light) Sleep and hold resistance changed from 70% to 40%
P.def +4%
armor_t82_ul_i00.png Nightmare Robe Set (Robe) Sleep and hold resistance changed from 70% to 40%
Casting Speed +10%

Equipment S-grade

Sets Added bonuses
Armor_t88_u_i00_0.jpg Imperial Crusader Set Sleep and hold resistance changed from 70% to 50%
Attack speed +4%
Speed +4
Armor_t89_ul_i00_0.jpg Draconic Leather Set M. Def. +4%
Resists all debuffs +25%
Armor_t90_ul_i00_0.jpg Major Arcana Robe Set Cast Speed +10%

Heavy armor

Enchant Added Features
Enchant set +4 Vampiric Rage +1%
Physical skill cooldown -1%

Passive skill: +5% PVE attack and defense

Enchant set +5 Vampiric Rage +3%
Physical skill cooldown -3%

Passive skill: +10% PVE attack and defense

Enchant set +6

Vampiric Rage +5%
Physical skill cooldown -5%

Passive skill: +15% PVE attack and defense

Active skill: Vampiric 1 Lv. (+5% Vampiricа from physical damage. Cannot be used at the Olympiad.)

* Skill duration is 1 minute. Cooldown of skills is 5 minutes.

Enchant set +7

Vampiric Rage +7%
Physical skill cooldown -7%

Passive skill: +20% PVE attack and defense

Active skill: Vampiric 2 Lv. (+8% Vampiricа from physical damage. Cannot be used at the Olympiad.)

* Skill duration is 1 minute. Cooldown of skills is 5 minutes.

Enchant set +8

Vampiric Rage +10%
Physical skill cooldown -10%

Passive skill: +25% PVE attack and defense

Active skill: Vampiric 3 Lv. (+12% Vampiricа from physical damage. Cannot be used at the Olympiad.)

Active skill: Магическая Защита 1 Lv. (+5% Маг. Защ. Cannot be used at the Olympiad.)

* Skill duration is 1 minute. Cooldown of skills is 5 minutes.

Enchant set +9

Vampiric Rage +13%
Physical skill cooldown -13%

Passive skill: +30% PVE attack and defense

Active skill: Vampiric 4 Lv. (+20% Vampiricа from physical damage. Cannot be used at the Olympiad.)

Active skill: Магическая Защита 2 Lv. (+10% Маг. Защ. Cannot be used at the Olympiad.)

* Skill duration is 1 minute. Cooldown of skills is 5 minutes.

Enchant set +10

Vampiric Rage +16%
Physical skill cooldown -16%

Passive skill: +35% PVE attack and defense

Active skill: Vampiric 5 Lv. (+25% Vampiricа from physical damage. Cannot be used at the Olympiad.)

Active skill: Магическая Защита 3 Lv. (+15% Маг. Защ. Cannot be used at the Olympiad.)

Active skill: Иммунитет 1 Lv. (7 секунд имунитет к наложению отрицительных и положительных эффектов. Cannot be used at the Olympiad.)

* Skill duration is 1 minute. Cooldown of skills is 5 minutes.

Light armor

Enchant Added Features
Enchant set +4 Speed +1
Physical and Magical skill power +1%

Passive skill: +5% PVE attack and defense

Enchant set +5 Speed +2
Physical and Magical skill power +3%

Passive skill: +10% PVE attack and defense

Enchant set +6

Speed +3
Physical and Magical skill power +5%

Passive skill: +15% PVE attack and defense

Active skill: Evasion 1 Lv. (+3 evasion. Cannot be used at the Olympiad.)

* Skill duration is 1 minute. Cooldown of skills is 5 minutes.

Enchant set +7

Speed +4
Physical and Magical skill power +7%

Passive skill: +20% PVE attack and defense

Active skill: Evasion 2 Lv. (+5 evasion. Cannot be used at the Olympiad.)

* Skill duration is 1 minute. Cooldown of skills is 5 minutes.

Enchant set +8

Speed +5
Physical and Magical skill power +10%

Passive skill: +25% PVE attack and defense

Active skill: Evasion 3 Lv. (+7 evasion. Cannot be used at the Olympiad.)

Active skill: Critical damage 1 Lv. (Critical Damage +5%. Cannot be used at the Olympiad.)

* Skill duration is 1 minute. Cooldown of skills is 5 minutes.

Enchant set +9

Speed +6
Physical and Magical skill power +13%

Passive skill: +30% PVE attack and defense

Active skill: Evasion 4 Lv. (+10 evasion. Cannot be used at the Olympiad.)

Active skill: Critical damage 2 Lv. (Critical Damage +5%. Cannot be used at the Olympiad.)

* Skill duration is 1 minute. Cooldown of skills is 5 minutes.

Enchant set +10

Speed +7
Physical and Magical skill power +16%

Passive skill: +35% PVE attack and defense

Active skill: Evasion 5 Lv. (+15 evasion. Cannot be used at the Olympiad.)

Active skill: Critical damage 3 Lv. (Critical Damage +15%. Cannot be used at the Olympiad.)

Active skill: Mystic Immunity 1 Lv. (7 seconds immunity to negative and positive effects. Cannot be used at the Olympiad.)

* Skill duration is 1 minute. Cooldown of skills is 5 minutes.

Magic Robe

Encahnt Added Features
Enchant set +4 Maximum MP +200
Debuff Resistance +1%

Passive skill: +5% PVE attack and defense

Enchant set +5 Maximum MP +400
Debuff Resistance +3%

Passive skill: +10% PVE attack and defense

Enchant set +6

Maximum MP +600
Debuff Resistance +5%

Passive skill: +15% PVE attack and defense

Active skill: Clarity 1 Lv. (MP Consumption -5%. Cannot be used at the Olympiad.)

* Skill duration is 1 minute. Cooldown of skills is 5 minutes.

Enchant set +7

Maximum MP +800
Debuff Resistance +7%

Passive skill: +20% PVE attack and defense

Active skill: Clarity 2 Lv. (MP Consumption -8%. Cannot be used at the Olympiad.)

* Skill duration is 1 minute. Cooldown of skills is 5 minutes.

Enchant set +8

Maximum MP +1000
Debuff Resistance +10%

Passive skill: +25% PVE attack and defense

Active skill: Clarity 3 Lv. (MP Consumption -12%. Cannot be used at the Olympiad.)

Active skill: Physical defense 1 Lv. (+5% Physical defense. Cannot be used at the Olympiad.)

* Skill duration is 1 minute. Cooldown of skills is 5 minutes.

Enchant set +9

Maximum MP +1200
Debuff Resistance +13%

Passive skill: +30% PVE attack and defense

Active skill: Clarity 4 Lv. (MP Consumption -20%. Cannot be used at the Olympiad.)

Active skill: Physical defense 2 Lv. (+10% Physical defense. Cannot be used at the Olympiad.)

* Skill duration is 1 minute. Cooldown of skills is 5 minutes.

Enchant set +10

Maximum MP +1500
Debuff Resistance +16%

Passive skill: +35% PVE attack and defense

Active skill: Clarity 5 Lv. (MP Consumption -25%. Cannot be used at the Olympiad.)

Active skill: Physical defense 3 Lv. (+15% Physical defense. Cannot be used at the Olympiad.)

Active skill: Mystic Immunity 1 Lv. (7 seconds immunity to negative and positive effects. Cannot be used at the Olympiad.)

* Skill duration is 1 minute. Cooldown of skills is 5 minutes.

armor_t65_u_i00.png Rare Zubei's Leather Set (Light) - Rare Item that increases Evasion and Resistance to Paralysis.
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armor_t56_u_i00.png Rare Set of Zubei (Robe) - Rare Item that increases M. Atk. and Resistance to Paralysis.
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armor_t64_u_i00.png Rare Zubei's Set (Heavy) - Rare Item that increases P. Def., Max HP and Resistance to Paralysis.
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armor_t67_ul_i00.png Rare Avadon Leather Set (Light) - Rare Item that increases M. Def., decreases Weight Limit and Resistance to to Mental.
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armor_t59_ul_i00.png Rare Avadon Robe Set (Robe) - Rare Item that increases P. Def. and Resistance to Mental.

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armor_t66_u_i00.png Rare Avadon Heavy Set (Heavy) - Rare Item that increases Max HP and Resistance to Mental.

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armor_t69_ul_i00.png Rare Blue Wolf Leather Set (Light) - Rare Item that increases P. Def. and Resistance to Shock.
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armor_t70_u_i00.png Rare Blue Wolf Set (Robe) - Rare Item that increases Max MP, MP Recovory Rate and Resistance to Shock.
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armor_t68_u_i00.png Rare Blue Wolf Set (Heavy) - Rare Item that increases Speed, MP Recovory Rate and Resistance to Shock.
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armor_t72_ul_i00.png Rare Leather Set of Doom (Light) - Rare increases P.Atk., MP Recovory Rate, Resistance to Poison, Resistance to Hold, Resistance to Sleep and Breath Gauge.
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armor_t73_u_i00.png Rare Set of Doom (Robe) - Rare increases Resistance to Hold, Resistance to Sleep, Speed, Breath Gauge and MP Recovory Rate.
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armor_t71_ul_i00.png Rare Doom Plate Set (Heavy) - Rare Resistance to Hold, Resistance to Sleep, Max HP and Breath Gauge.
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Weapon Changes

  • Weapon_art_of_battle_axe_i01_0.jpg Art of Battle Axe [Rsk. Focus] changed to [Focus]. Effect: Chance Crit. Atk. +88;
  • Weapon_deadmans_glory_i01_0.jpg Deadman's Glorу [Anger] changed to [Focus]. Effect: Chance Crit. Atk. +88;
  • Weapon_star_buster_i01_0.jpg Star Buster [Rsk. Focus] changed to [Focus]. Effect: Chance Crit. Atk. +88;
  • Weapon_lancia_i01_0.jpg Lance [Anger] changed to [Focus]. Effect: Chance Crit. Atk. +88;
  • Weapon_sword_of_damascus_i01_0.jpg Sword of Damascus [Focus] changed effect: Chance Crit. Atk. +88;
  • Weapon_guardians_sword_i01_0.jpg Guardian Sword [Focus] changed effect: Chance Crit. Atk. +88;
  • Weapon_demons_sword_i01_0.jpg Demon's Dagger [Crit. Poison] changed to [Focus]. Effect: Chance Crit. Atk. +88;
  • Weapon_hazard_bow_i01_0.jpg Bow of Peril [Cheap Shot] changed to [Focus]. Effect: Chance Crit. Atk. +88;
  • Weapon_bellion_cestus_i01_0.jpg Bellion Cestus [Crit. Poison] changed to [Focus]. Effect: Chance Crit. Atk. +88;
  • Weapon_staff_of_evil_sprit_i01_0.jpg Staff of Evil Spirit [Poison] changed to [Acumen]. Effect: Cast. Speed + 15%;
  • Weapon_bone_of_kaim_vanul_i01_0.jpg Kaim Vanul's Bones [Magic Silence] changed to [Acumen]. Effect: Cast. Speed + 15%.
  • Weapon_hammer_of_destroyer_i01_0.jpg Destroyer Hammer [Critical Drain] changed to [Focus]. Effect: Chance Crit. Atk. +88;
  • Weapon_inferno_master_i01_0.jpg Infernal Master [Focus] changed effect: Chance Crit. Atk. +88;
  • Weapon_meteor_shower_i01_0.jpg Meteor Shower [Focus] changed to [Focus]. Effect: Chance Crit. Atk. +88;
  • Weapon_carnium_bow_i01_0.jpg Carnage Bow [Light] changed to [Focus]. Effect: Chance Crit. Atk. +88;
  • Weapon_bloody_orchid_i01_0.jpg Bloody Orchid [Focus] changed effect: Chance Crit. Atk. +88;
  • Weapon_blood_tornado_i01_0.jpg Blood Tornado [Focus] changed effect: Chance Crit. Atk. +88;
  • Weapon_halbard_i01_0.jpg Halberd [Crit. Stun] changed to [Focus]. Effect: Chance Crit. Atk. +88;
  • Weapon_elemental_sword_i01_0.jpg Elemental Sword [Magic Paralyze] changed to [Acumen]. Effect: Cast. Speed + 15%;
  • Weapon_tallum_blade_i01_0.jpg Tallum Blade [Crit. Poison] changed to [Focus]. Effect: Chance Crit. Atk. +88;
  • Weapon_tallum_glaive_i01_0.jpg Tallum Glaive [Guidance] changed to [Focus]. Effect: Chance Crit. Atk. +88;
  • Weapon_soul_separator_i01_0.jpg Soul Separator [Guidance] changed to [Focus]. Effect: Chance Crit. Atk. +88;
  • Weapon_doom_crusher_i01_0.jpg Doom Crusher [Anger] changed to [Focus]. Effect: Chance Crit. Atk. +88;
  • Weapon_dragon_grinder_i01_0.jpg Dragon Grinder [Rsk. Haste] changed to [Focus]. Effect: Chance Crit. Atk. +88;
  • Weapon_dark_legions_edge_i01_0.jpg Dark Legion Edge [Rsk. Focus] changed to [Focus]. Effect: Chance Crit. Atk. +88;
  • Weapon_dragon_slayer_i01_0.jpg Dragon Slayer [Crit. Bleed] changed to [Focus]. Effect: Chance Crit. Atk. +88;
  • Weapon_elysian_i01_0.jpg Elysian [Anger] changed to [Focus]. Effect: Chance Crit. Atk. +88;
  • Weapon_sirr_blade_i01_0.jpg Sirra's Blade [Crit. Poison] changed to [Focus]. Effect: Chance Crit. Atk. +88;
  • Weapon_sword_of_ipos_i01_0.jpg Sword of Ipos [Focus] changed effect: Chance Crit. Atk. +88;
  • Weapon_barakiel_axe_i01_0.jpg Barakiel's Axe [Focus] changed effect: Chance Crit. Atk. +88;
  • Weapon_tuning_fork_of_behemoth_i01_0.jpg Behemoth' Tuning Fork [Focus] changed effect: Chance Crit. Atk. +88;
  • Weapon_naga_storm_i01_0.jpg Naga Storm [Focus] changed effect: Chance Crit. Atk. +88;
  • Weapon_tiphon_spear_i01_0.jpg Tiphon's Spear [Long Blow] changed to [Focus]. Effect: Chance Crit. Atk. +88;
  • Weapon_shyid_bow_i01_0.jpg Shyeed's Bow [Focus] changed effect: Chance Crit. Atk. +88;
  • Weapon_sobekk_hurricane_i01_0.jpg Sobekk's Hurricane [Crit. Drain] changed to [Focus]. Effect: Chance Crit. Atk. +88;
  • Weapon_tongue_of_themis_i01_0.jpg Themis' Tongue [Magic Focus] changed to [Acumen]. Effect: Cast. Speed + 15%;
  • Weapon_hand_of_cabrio_i01_0.jpg Cabrio's Hand [Magic Silence] changed to [Acumen]. Effect: Cast. Speed + 15%;
  • Forgotten Blade [Focus] (Забытый Клинок [Фокусировка]) Forgotten Blade [Focus] changed effect: Chance Crit. Atk. +88;
  • Dragon Hunter Axe [Health] (Топор Охотника на Драконов [Здоровье]) Dragon Hunter Axe [HP Regeneration] changed to [Focus]. Effect: Chance Crit. Atk. +88;
  • Imperial Staff [Magic Hold] (Имперский Посох [Магические Оковы]) Imperial Staff [Magic Hold] changed to [Acumen]. Effect: Cast. Speed + 15%;
  • Angel Slayer [HP Drain] Angel Slayer [HP Drain] changed to [Focus]. Effect: Chance Crit. Atk. +88;
  • Saint Spear [Guidance] (Святое Копье [Наведение]) Saint Spear [Guidance] changed to [Focus]. Effect: Chance Crit. Atk. +88;
  • Demon Splinter [Focus] (Демон Одиночка [Фокусировка]) Demon Splinter [Focus] changed effect: Chance Crit. Atk. +88;
  • Heaven's Divider [Focus] (Разделитель Небес [Фокусировка]) Heaven's Divider [Focus] changed effect: Chance Crit. Atk. +88.
We added new Rar effect for weapons with small chance. You can craft or default effect, or new effect (if you lucky).

Standard Rare weapons

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New Rare weapons
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Standard Rare weapons
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New Rare weapons
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Standard Rare weapons
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New Rare weapons
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Enchanted Items

Vesper_cloack_i00_0.jpg PvE Cloak
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Br_zaken_cloak_i00_0.jpg Regeneration Cloak
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Br_frintessa_cloak_i00_0.jpg PvP Cloak
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Br_zaken_cloak_i00_0.jpg Legendary Cloak
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Armor_magic_deco_belt_i01_0.jpg Mithril Belt
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Enchant Bonus
+0 Increase M.def by 8
+1 Increase M.def by 9
+2 Increase M.def by 10
+3 Increase M.def by 11
+4 Increase M.def by 12
Speed by 1
CON +1
+5 Increase M.def by 13
Speed by 2
CON +1, MEN +1
+6 Increase M.def by 14
Speed by 3
CON +1, MEN +1, INT +1, STR +1
+7 Increase M.def by 15
Speed by 4
Increases physical skill damage by 93
Decreases MP Consumption by 3%
CON +1, MEN +1, INT +1, STR +1
Active skill: Blessed Escape. Can be used every 20 hour(s)
+8 Increase M.def by 16
Speed by 5Increases physical skill damage by 93
Increases critical damage by 41.3
Magical critical rate by 2
Decreases MP Consumption by 3%
CON +1, MEN +1, INT +1, STR +1, DEX +1, WIT +1
Active skill: Blessed Escape. Can be used every 20 hour(s)
+9 Increase M.def by 17
Speed by 6
Increases physical skill damage by 93
Increases critical damage by 41.3
Magical critical rate by 2
Decreases MP Consumption by 3%
CON +2, MEN +2, INT +1, STR +1, DEX +1, WIT +1
Active skill: Invisivle for 7 seconds. Can be used every 20 hour(s)
+10 Increase M.def by 18
Speed by 7
Increases physical skill damage by 93
Increases critical damage by 41.3
Magical critical rate by 2
Decreases MP Consumption by 3%
CON +2, MEN +2, INT +2, STR +2, DEX +1, WIT +1
Active skill: Invisivle for 7 seconds. Can be used every 20 hour(s)
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