Chapter description
Changes may be made to dates or server concept.
Chapter Development Roadmap
Beginning of the chapter | 26 April 2024 | 13 May 2024 | 03 Juny 2024 | 17 Juny 2024 | 01 July 2024 | 15 July 2024 | 29 July 2024 |
Level Exp/SP rate |
1-20 level x2 | 1-29 level x3 | 1-29 level x5 | 1-48 level x5 | 1-48 level x8 | 1-66 level x8 | 1-70 level x10 |
20-25 level x2-x1 | 30-44 level x2 | 30-56 level x5-x2 | 49-66 level x5-x2 | 49-75 level x7-x2 | 67-78 level x7-x2 | 71-80 level x8-x1 | |
26-56 level x1 | 45-66 level x1 | 67-72 level x1 | 73-75 level x1 | 76-79 level x1 | 80-81 level x1 | 71-80 level x8-x1 | |
57-58 level x0.07 | 67-68 level x0.07 | 73-74 level x0.07 | 76-77 level x0.07 | 80 level x0.07 | 82 level x0.07 | 82+ level x1 | |
Chapter number | Chapter №1 | Chapter №2 | Chapter №3 | Chapter №4 | Chapter №5 | Chapter №6 | Chapter №7 |
My tasks
- Character choose: Explore balance changes
- Character creation is available 30 minutes before the official launch of the server (you can take your nickname, activate a premium account and transfer purchased items from storage in your personal account);
- Obtaining 1st and 2nd professions. Leveling up your character to level 56;
- Getting a subclass at level 56: Learn a new quests
- We collect the first rewards for logging into the game daily;
- We study missions and receive the first rewards for completing dungeons/achieving game objectives - more info
- We begin to obtain B-grade equipment and prepare for the Olympics - read more
- Check out magic lamp system, allows you to receive additional rewards for points for killing mobs and adena (sharpening cloaks, belts, bracelets, consumables, crystals, bonus items for pumping);
- Don't forget to check your Battle Pass points;
- Silver currency (R-Silver) - additional game store for activities. Get runes, consumables and other items.
Clan and party information
- The clan can be raised to level 11, new clan skills have been added. The number of places in the clan and academy has been increased. Academicians receive special bonuses. The KRP system has been updated;
- Special epic bosses King Raul and the Overseer of the fortress - players from the Far Eastern region and mid clans;
- Clan event available - Clan Arena
- Battles for epic bosses are held in the evening (Ant Queen, Zaken, Core, Orfen);
- Siege of a limited number of castles is available (Gludio, Dion, Giran), territorial wars. Gates in castles have been strengthened, bonuses for flags have been updated, and the list of items for purchase has been updated.
Information for beginners
- Teleports are free up to level 40, help for beginners up to level 45;
- NG Remastered equipment can be obtained for completing missions and character development up to level 20;
- Available for purchasing belts with auto loot, cloaks, EXP/SP runes, enchantments and cameos of enchantments up to C-grade, B -grade. (Avails a few weeks after starting for R-silver in a special store);
- Buffer for newcomers, clan halls, castles, fortresses - 60 minutes and full as in the club card;
- Rewards and experience for daily instance zones (Kamaloka and labyrinths) are improved and individual. No one will deceive you anymore;
- Life Stone bonuses and loot have been reworked and updated.
Chapter Features
- Locations, quests, monsters and RB - corresponds to the classic Interlude chronicles with Remastered elements;
- NPC, shops and mamons - correspond to the classic Interlude chronicles with Remastered elements. In the Luxury Store in Giran, items have been added for the convenience of players and a Blacksmith has been hired;
- Changes to instance zones: See changes
- The number of people required has been changed. party - 7. Support and healing classes have been updated;
- The mechanics of debuffs, nuke fails, attribute system (elemental damage) - corresponds to the classic chronicles of HF5;
- Pets have received additional convenient functions and the ability to change their appearance. You can also raise improved pets from them;
Items have been updated, as well as their improvements: More
- Changed bonuses for B-grade rank sets;
- Updated special bonuses for B-grade weapons;
- Updated bonuses for sharpening weapons and sets;
- Limited the possibility improvements to Olf's cloaks, belts, bracelets, shirts to +5;
- The classic system for increasing the SA level for solo players has been improved;
- Different modifications have been added to all rare weapons for all grades. Rare weapons can be assigned random bonuses.
- The Olympics are available from level 56. parameters of heroic weapons, hero skills, rewards have been changed according to the parameters of the chapter. Added a rank system with bonuses for participants. The Olympics are held over 2 days in the evening, 70 fights are available per period, the duration of the period is a week.
Dynamic locations
- Daily event for players in the city - Daily bosses. Receiving pleasant bonuses for character development for each participant;
- Daily event - Blessing of God Odin. The system selects a random player at a certain time interval and sends him a supply of items to his inventory to increase EXP when hunting monsters;
- Permanent event magic mouse - you can accidentally meet a mouse in a location, feed it a special item called cheese, and receive its gratitude (a buff that helps in gaining experience).
My tasks
- Achieving character level 66 and collecting resources to create A-rank equipment;
- Completing the quest to obtain Noble status - explore alternative tasks
- We begin to level up additional sub-classes (preparation for activating the talent system) - more
- Improving epic underarm jewelry, cloak, belt and other items - more
- We are going through a new dungeon - Zaken;
- Complete the dungeon - Pailaka: Devil's Legacy;
- Participating in events - Evening bosses, Olympics, Castle Sieges and battle for epics bosses.
Clan and party information
- Epic bosses Frinteza and Baium have been added;
- The number of castles available for siege has been increased (Innadril, Oren , Aden);
- In the Dungeons of castles and fortresses, an A-Grade boss has been added as a drop;
- The drop from the Fortress Overseer has been improved according to the stage.
Information for beginners
- Academicians can be in the clan up to level 52 and receive additional valuable rewards;
- The newbie assistant applies auxiliary effects up to level 50;
- Completing the first and second professions has been greatly facilitated, starting dynamic rates have been increased;
- Drop and experience from Raid Bosses up to level 40 has been increased to x2;
- In the Luxury Store in Giran, analogues of C-Grade weapons and temporary C-Grade items have been added.
Chapter Features
- It is possible to create fake epic jewelry in the Luxury Store;
- The parameters of the active and passive skills of the Olympic heroes have been improved . The heroes' weapons have been improved according to the requirements of the stage;
- New game tasks have been opened in missions with useful rewards;
- Available for purchasing belts with auto loot, cloaks, EXP/SP runes, enchantments and enchantment stones up to C-Grade, B-Grade. The assortment has been expanded for R-silver in a special store;
- Cloaks, belts, bracelets, olf shirts can be upgraded to +7;
- The level of access to the Olympiad has been increased to level 65.
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Dynamic locations
- Blazing Swamp
- New dynamic locations will be described later.
- Daily events began to give out rewards more often.
My tasks
- Achieving character level 76 and obtaining 3rd profession;
- Upgrading sub-classes. Rates at low levels have been increased;
- Introducing a new item - Brooch - more
- Game walkthroughs mission objectives to receive rewards;
- Battle with a new boss - Freya.
Clan and party information
- Academicians can be in a clan up to level 60 and receive additional valuable rewards;
- Drop from the Fortress Overseer improved according to the chapter;
Information for beginners
- The Luxury Store in Giran has expanded its assortment;
Chapter Features
- Cloaks, belts, bracelets, olf shirts can be upgraded to +9;
- Expanded in the Luxury Store assortment of fake epic jewelry;
- In the Dungeons of castles and fortresses, the drop from the A-Grade boss has been improved;
- Drop and experience from Raid Bosses up to level 56 has been increased to x2;
- The assortment for R-silver in a special store has been expanded;
- The number of items for obtaining S-Grade recipes has been reduced by 50%; to obtain an item for the transition to alliance levels 4 and 5, you just need to hit the RB and talk to the chest;
- After receiving the third profession, the opportunity to improve skills is open;
- Access to completing the third paylaka is open;
- The parameters of the active and passive skills of the heroes of the Olympics have been improved. The heroes' weapons have been improved according to the requirements of the stage.
Dynamic locations
- New dynamic locations will be described later.
- An additional reward has appeared in daily events.
My tasks
- Improving equipment using attribute stones;
- Getting new high-rank equipment;
- Sharpening cloaks, belts and other items.
Clan and party information
- Frey's new clan dungeon, available to all clans regardless of the type of game - everyone can go through. The drop has been changed according to the concept;
- New dungeon for party play - Gemini. Obtaining attribute stones and actual items according to the concept;
- In the Dungeons of castles and fortresses, the drop from the boss S has been improved -Grade;
Information for beginners
- Leveling up at the initial levels has been simplified again.
Chapter Features
- New locations are available: Hell Island and Crystal Island. Crystal Island has been updated for solo players and mini groups;
- The cost of creating Dynasty recipes has been reduced;
- The cost of creating S-Grade recipes has been reduced again;
- Attribute stones fall in various locations according to the Remastered concept;
- The level of access to the Olympiad has been increased to level 76;
- The weapons of the Olympic heroes receive a bonus from attribute damage (150) - you choose the weapon attribute yourself;
- New locations for farming LOA and Dragon Valley with modified , updated drop;
- The drop of fragments for creating attribute stones has been increased;
- Mairai armor creation is available and Icarus weapons;
- Can create 300 attribute stones.
Dynamic locations
- New dynamic locations will be described later.
- An additional reward has appeared in daily events.
Merging with the United server
- All ReMastered servers are merged with the United server approximately once every six months;
- The United server has been in existence for the 5th year.
United server - fifth year of stability
🧡 United server to modern times — is unique because it is already more than 4 years old. The server accumulates players who are ready to play for a long time and consistently in one place.
Comfort for beginners
Due to such a serious age of the server, we have introduced a beginner's starter set and a simplified chain of tasks for obtaining level 60+.
- AFK-Farm (Offline Leveling),
- Quests: Sub-class and Noblesse,
- Epic Jewelry and Creating Fake Jewelry,
- Soul Crystals,
- Enchanted items L2 Remastered,
- Magic Lamp,
- Daily Missions Remastered,
- Clans,
- Updated dungeons,
- Hunting pass,
- Raid and epic bosses,
- Castles and Fortress,
- Brooch and Gems,
- Rising King Raul,
- Skill changes,
- Equipment changes,
- Game shop,
- Grand Olympiad Games,
- Collections.