Daily Missions Remastered


Another large innovation awaits you at Remastered - "Daily Quests".

Daily Quests allow character to receive individual rewards for various actions: raising character's level, hunting monsters, participating in Olympiad, and other types of activity.

Quests are divided into 4 sections: hunting, raids, system and development. Each section contains corresponding tasks. Number will appear above section tab if character has fulfilled conditions of any task and you can get reward.

There are several types of daily quests. Some of them are completed only once, for example, quest to increase level of character, while others can be repeated from day to day.

In daily tasks window, you can see progress, update times and rewards for tasks.

  • One-time missions cannot be repeated.
  • Daily quests are reset every day at 6:30 am.
  • Weekly quests are reset every Monday at 6:30 am.

Name Mission Type Conditions: Completion Conditions Reward
Daily Hunting - 100 Repeated Lvl. 1 and higher Kill 100 monsters. Reward is given for killing any 100 monsters. Available every day. Monsters below character by 10 or more levels are not counted.

r_silver_coin.jpg R-Silver x2

download?id=wlDsdNir1FOsHPaQ1d7BmEAwnCzE Traveler's Clowder х1

Daily Hunting - 150 Repeated Lvl. 1 and higher Kill 150 monsters. Reward is given for killing any 150 monsters. Available every day. Monsters below character by 10 or more levels are not counted. r_silver_coin.jpg R-Silver x3

Daily Hunting - 200

Repeated Lvl. 1 and higher Kill 200 monsters. Reward is given for killing any 200 monsters. Available every day. Monsters below character by 10 or more levels are not counted.

r_silver_coin.jpg R-Silver x4

download?id=PKS3EUuiel5T4YgYJ2XU62nFQ87v Rune of Exp+SP 30% 1 hour x1

Daily Hunting - 300

Repeated Lvl. 1 and higher Kill 300 monsters. Reward is given for killing any 300 monsters. Available every day. Monsters below character by 10 or more levels are not counted. r_silver_coin.jpg R-Silver x6
Daily Hunting - 350 Repeated Lvl. 1 and higher Kill 350 monsters. Reward is given for killing any 350 monsters. Available every day. Monsters below character by 10 or more levels are not counted.

r_silver_coin.jpg R-Silver x7

download?id=yb2RgtwAcraDFd3VKCrKx6AJzVj6 Vitality х1

Daily Hunting - 400

Repeated Lvl. 1 and higher Kill 400 monsters. Reward is given for killing any 400 monsters. Available every day. Monsters below character by 10 or more levels are not counted.

r_silver_coin.jpg R-Silver x8

download?id=SVUEYscwFCxGDQ3KZbyXCa1wR1UR Hunter's Potion х1

Daily Hunting - 450 Repeated Lvl. 1 and higher Kill 450 monsters. Reward is given for killing any 450 monsters. Available every day. Monsters below character by 10 or more levels are not counted. r_silver_coin.jpg R-Silver x8

Daily Hunting - 500

Repeated Lvl. 1 and higher Kill 500 monsters. Reward is given for killing any 500 monsters. Available every day. Monsters below character by 10 or more levels are not counted. r_silver_coin.jpg R-Silver x9
Daily Hunting - 600 Repeated Lvl. 1 and higher Kill 600 monsters. Reward is given for killing any 600 monsters. Available every day. Monsters below character by 10 or more levels are not counted.

r_silver_coin.jpg R-Silver x9

download?id=SVUEYscwFCxGDQ3KZbyXCa1wR1UR Hunter's Potion х1

Daily Hunting - 700 Repeated Lvl. 1 and higher Kill 700 monsters. Reward is given for killing any 700 monsters. Available every day. Monsters below character by 10 or more levels are not counted.

r_silver_coin.jpg R-Silver x11

download?id=wlDsdNir1FOsHPaQ1d7BmEAwnCzE Traveler's Clowder х1

Daily Hunting - 950 Repeated Lvl. 1 and higher Kill 900 monsters. Reward is given for killing any 900 monsters. Available every day. Monsters below character by 10 or more levels are not counted.

r_silver_coin.jpg R-Silver x11

RUNA-ADENY.png Rune of Drop Adena 30% 1 hour х1

Daily Hunting - 1500 Repeated Lvl. 1 and higher Kill 1500 monsters. Reward is given for killing any 1500 monsters. Available every day. Monsters below character by 10 or more levels are not counted.

r_silver_coin.jpg R-Silver x13

RUNA-DROPA.png Rune of Items Drop 30% 1 hour х1

Daily Hunting - 10000 Repeated Lvl. 1 and higher Kill 10000 monsters. Reward is given for killing any 500 monsters. Available every day. Monsters below character by 10 or more levels are not counted. 8561 Piglet of Valhalla х1

Weekly Hunting - 2000

Repeated Lvl. 1 and higher Kill 2000 monsters. Reward is given for killing any 2000 monsters. Available every week. Monsters below character by 10 or more levels are not counted. Quest for receiving reward is available once a week.

r_silver_coin.jpg R-Silver x50

download?id=GmHUNogb6aOQodxaWR8zfWAQZnNk Box with Rune Exp+Sp 30% 1-hour х1

download?id=GmHUNogb6aOQodxaWR8zfWAQZnNk Коробка с Rune Items Drop 30% 1-hour х1.

Weekly Hunting - 6000

Repeated Lvl. 1 and higher Kill 6000 monsters. Reward is given for killing any 6000 monsters. Available every week. Monsters below character by 10 or more levels are not counted. Quest for receiving reward is available once a week.

r_silver_coin.jpg R-Silver x75

download?id=GmHUNogb6aOQodxaWR8zfWAQZnNk Box with Rune Exp+Sp 30% 1-hour х1

download?id=GmHUNogb6aOQodxaWR8zfWAQZnNk Box with Rune Items Drop 30% 1-hour х1

Weekly Hunting - 8000

Repeated Lvl. 1 and higher Kill 8000 monsters. Reward is given for killing any 8000 monsters. Available every week. Monsters below character by 10 or more levels are not counted. Quest for receiving reward is available once a week.

r_silver_coin.jpg R-Silver x125

download?id=GmHUNogb6aOQodxaWR8zfWAQZnNk Box with Rune Drop Adena 30% 1-hour х1

download?id=SVUEYscwFCxGDQ3KZbyXCa1wR1UR Hunter's Potion х1

Name Mission Type Conditions: Completion Conditions Reward
Complete Kamaloka - Hall of the Abyss 73 Daily (per day 2 times) Lvl. 18 and higher Complete Kamaloka - Hall of the Abyss 73

r_silver_coin.jpg R-Silver x12

Complete Kamaloka x2 - Hall of the Abyss 73 Daily (per day 2 times) Lvl. 18 and higher Complete Kamaloka x2 - Hall of the Abyss 73

r_silver_coin.jpg R-Silver x12

FRAGMENTY.png Legendary Jewerly Fragment х50

Complete Kamaloka - Labyrinth of the Abyss 78 Daily (per day 2 times) Lvl. 18 and higher Complete Kamaloka - Labyrinth of the Abyss 78 r_silver_coin.jpg R-Silver x17
Complete Kamaloka x2 - Labyrinth of the Abyss 78 Daily (per day 2 times) Lvl. 18 and higher Complete Kamaloka x2 - Labyrinth of the Abyss 78

r_silver_coin.jpg R-Silver x17

FRAGMENTY.png Legendary Jewerly Fragment х100

Kill dungeon Boss - First Wave Daily Lvl. 40 and higher Kill dungeon Boss - First Wave epolet.jpg Knight's Epaulette x200
Kill dungeon Boss - Second Wave Daily Lvl. 40 and higher Kill dungeon Boss - Second Wave epolet.jpg Knight's Epaulette x200
Kill dungeon Boss - Third Wave Daily Lvl. 40 and higher Kill dungeon Boss - Third Wave epolet.jpg Knight's Epaulette x200
Kill Freya Daily Lvl. 1 and higher Kill Freya

SOKROVISA-FREI.png Frintezza's Treasure x1

Name Mission Type Conditions: Completion Conditions Reward
Win on Olympiad - 2 Weekly Lvl. 55 and higher Win on Olympiad 2 times

markofwinner.jpg Mark of Winner х1

r_silver_coin.jpg R-Silver x15

Win on Olympiad - 5 Weekly Lvl. 55 and higher Win on Olympiad 5 times

markofwinner.jpg Mark of Winner х1

r_silver_coin.jpg R-Silver x15

Win on Olympiad - 10 Weekly Lvl. 55 and higher Win on Olympiad 10 times

markofwinner.jpg Mark of Winner х1

r_silver_coin.jpg R-Silver x30

Win on Olympiad - 20 Weekly Lvl. 55 and higher Win on Olympiad 20 times

BOKS-S-RUNOI-OLIMPIADY.png Rune Olympiad Box х1

markofwinner.jpg Mark of Winner х2

r_silver_coin.jpg R-Silver x30

Win on Olympiad - 35 Weekly Lvl. 55 and higher Win on Olympiad 35 times

BOKS-S-RUNOI-OLIMPIADY.png Rune Olympiad Box х1

markofwinner.jpg Mark of Winner х2

r_silver_coin.jpg R-Silver x40

Participation on Olympiad - 5 Weekly Lvl. 55 and higher Participation on Olympiad 5 times

markofbattle.png Mark of Battle х1

r_silver_coin.jpg R-Silver x10

Participation on Olympiad - 10 Weekly Lvl. 55 and higher Participation on Olympiad 10 times

markofbattle.png Mark of Battle х1

r_silver_coin.jpg R-Silver x15

Participation on Olympiad - 20 Weekly Lvl. 55 and higher Participation on Olympiad 20 times

markofbattle.png Mark of Battle х1

r_silver_coin.jpg R-Silver x20

Participation on Olympiad - 40 Weekly Lvl. 55 and higher Participation on Olympiad 40 times

BOKS-S-RUNOI-OLIMPIADY.png Rune Olympiad Box х1

markofbattle.png Mark of Battle х2

r_silver_coin.jpg R-Silver x20

Participation on Olympiad - 60 Weekly Lvl. 55 and higher Participation on Olympiad 60 times

BOKS-S-RUNOI-OLIMPIADY.png Rune Olympiad Box х1

markofbattle.png Mark of Battle х2

r_silver_coin.jpg R-Silver x30

Name Mission Type Conditions: Completion Conditions Reward
Reach level 10 Once Fulfill conditions Reach level 10

Armor_magic_deco_belt_i01_0.jpg Mithril Belt (Bonus Start) х1

download?id=wlDsdNir1FOsHPaQ1d7BmEAwnCzE Traveler's Chowder x3

Etc_reagent_white_i00_0.jpg Greater Healling Potion х20

download?id=GmHUNogb6aOQodxaWR8zfWAQZnNk Box with Rune Exp+Sp 30% 1-hour x1

Reach level 20 Once Fulfill conditions Reach level 20

download?id=hYnQZNtgEBeRnPW1XzYkiBbLAV1b Cloak of White (Bonus Start) х1

download?id=wlDsdNir1FOsHPaQ1d7BmEAwnCzE Traveler's Chowder x3

Etc_reagent_white_i00_0.jpg Greater Healling Potion х20

Reach level 30 Once Fulfill conditions Reach level 30

download?id=7d31v7zK6lt5axILSlIsaqI2xVuR Extra Entrance Pass - Kamaloka (Hall of the Abyss) x1

download?id=7d31v7zK6lt5axILSlIsaqI2xVuR Extra Entrance Pass - Near Kamaloka x1

download?id=7d31v7zK6lt5axILSlIsaqI2xVuR Extra Entrance Pass - Kamaloka (Labyrinth of the Abyss) x1

download?id=wlDsdNir1FOsHPaQ1d7BmEAwnCzE Traveler's Chowder x3

Etc_reagent_white_i00_0.jpg Greater Healling Potion х20

Reach level 40 Once Fulfill conditions Reach level 40

etc_bm_brooch_lavianrose_i00.png Brooch Lv. 1 - 1шт.

FRAGMENTY.png Legendary Jewerly Fragment х200

download?id=wlDsdNir1FOsHPaQ1d7BmEAwnCzE Traveler's Chowder x3

Etc_reagent_white_i00_0.jpg Greater Healling Potion х20

Reach level 50 Once Fulfill conditions Reach level 50

FRAGMENTY.png Legendary Jewerly Fragment х300

download?id=wlDsdNir1FOsHPaQ1d7BmEAwnCzE Traveler's Chowder x3

Etc_reagent_white_i00_0.jpg Greater Healling Potion х20

download?id=7d31v7zK6lt5axILSlIsaqI2xVuR Extra Entrance Pass - Dimension of Dreams х1

Reach level 60 Once Fulfill conditions Reach level 60

FRAGMENTY.png Legendary Jewerly Fragment х400

download?id=wlDsdNir1FOsHPaQ1d7BmEAwnCzE Traveler's Chowder x3

Etc_reagent_white_i00_0.jpg Greater Healling Potion х20

Beer-Bottle.jpg Bottle of Beer х2

Reach level 70 Once Fulfill conditions Reach level 70

FRAGMENTY.png Legendary Jewerly Fragment х500

download?id=wlDsdNir1FOsHPaQ1d7BmEAwnCzE Traveler's Chowder x3

Etc_reagent_white_i00_0.jpg Greater Healling Potion х20

Beer-Bottle.jpg Bottle of Beer х2

Reach level 76 Once Fulfill conditions Reach level 76

FRAGMENTY.png Legendary Jewerly Fragment х600

download?id=wlDsdNir1FOsHPaQ1d7BmEAwnCzE Traveler's Chowder x3

Etc_reagent_white_i00_0.jpg Greater Healling Potion х20

Beer-Bottle.jpg Bottle of Beer х2

Reach level 78 Once Fulfill conditions Reach level 78

FRAGMENTY.png Legendary Jewerly Fragment х700

download?id=wlDsdNir1FOsHPaQ1d7BmEAwnCzE Traveler's Chowder x3

Etc_reagent_white_i00_0.jpg Greater Healling Potion х20

Beer-Bottle.jpg Bottle of Beer х2

Reach level 80 Once Fulfill conditions Reach level 80

FRAGMENTY.png Legendary Jewerly Fragment х800

download?id=wlDsdNir1FOsHPaQ1d7BmEAwnCzE Traveler's Chowder x3

Etc_reagent_white_i00_0.jpg Greater Healling Potion х20

Beer-Bottle.jpg Bottle of Beer х2

Reach a Sub-class Once Fulfill conditions Reach a Sub-class

download?id=7d31v7zK6lt5axILSlIsaqI2xVuR Extra Entrance Pass - Kamaloka (Labyrinth of the Abyss) x1

r_silver_coin.jpg R-Silver x100

Reach a Noblesse Once Fulfill conditions Reach a Noblesse

download?id=7d31v7zK6lt5axILSlIsaqI2xVuR Extra Entrance Pass - Kamaloka (Labyrinth of the Abyss) x1

r_silver_coin.jpg R-Silver x200

Battle Pass - Season N Once in Season Fulfill conditions Buy a Battle Pass ticket

download?id=GmHUNogb6aOQodxaWR8zfWAQZnNk Box with Rune Exp+SP 30% х5

download?id=GmHUNogb6aOQodxaWR8zfWAQZnNk Box with Rune Adena 30% х5

download?id=GmHUNogb6aOQodxaWR8zfWAQZnNk Box with Rune Item Drop 30% х5

Etc scroll of resurrection i01 0.jpg Blessed Scroll of Resurrection х10

download?id=OHlqPx9bapCpuyyHqeYXfHaUgAqN CP potion Box

download?id=ZHZgJOuMhI0la2p8pEuFdZmSJ1cS Gold Box (When opened, gives a reward from 10 to 30 Units)

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