- Inst Boss: Freya
- Launch: 03.05.2021 18:00.
- Location: Frozen Labyrinth
Entry: Come to NPC Freya Stuart, he teleports us to the Frozen Lake through NPC Jinia we pass to the lair to Freya.
- Required level: 82
- Available time: 120 minutes
- Reset instance: Saturday at 6:30 am
- Entry: from 7 to 9 characters
- Characteristics: Strong enough, we recommend walking with 9 people. In event of difficulties, characteristics may be reduced.
Weekly raid
By visiting Freya raid every week, you can get following trophy.
Freya Necklace - 5%
Dynasty Weapons all types - 0.5%
Dynasty Armors all types - 1%
Blade of Delusion - 0.5%
Necklace of Freya
- M def 106
- Resistance to Water +10
- Resistance to Bleed 20%
- Resistance to Sleep/Shock/Paralysis +15%
- Resistance to Mental Attack +10%
- Magical Skill Re-use delay - 5%
- Reflect Damage melee attack - 4%
- Max MP +50
- MP Regeneration +0.23
- Stats can be increased.
Blessed Necklace of Freya
- M def 106
- Resistance to Water +15
- Resistance to Bleed 25%
- Resistance to Sleep/Shock/Paralysis +20%
- Resistance to Mental Attack +10%
- Magical Skill Re-use delay - 5%
- Reflect Damage melee attack - 4%
- Max MP +50
- MP Regeneration +0.46
- Caster Heal Capacity +15.6
- Magic MP Consumption -5%
- MEN +2
- CON +1
- Stats can be increased.
Другие статьи этой категории
- Legendary Weapon,
- Brooch and Gems,
- Battle pass,
- Attendance Check,
- Change in the Ability Point system,
- Weapon Augmentation,
- Penalty system,
- 82 level and new skills,
- New mounts,
- Hero weapon update,
- Getting of Icarus Weapons and Moirai Equipment,
- Changes in system of Castles, Fortresses and Clan Halls,
- Changes of Special abilities in Weapons,
- Weapon Icarus and Armor Moirai,
- Daily Bosses,
- [Instance Zone] Fight with Zaken,
- [Instance Zone] Death Knights,
- Enchanted equipment,
- Legendary Boss - Overseer of the Fortress,
- Dungeon in The Castle and Fortress,
- Olympiad store,
- Characteristics of Dynasty equipment,
- How to get Dynasty Weapon and Armor,
- Legendary Jewelry,
- Hellbound,
- Daily Missions Remastered.