82 level and new skills

Attention! Skills can be changed or removed.


Skill0771 0.jpg Fighter

Human dreadnought.png


  • Skill0921 0.jpgCursed Pierce 20 lvl - Attacks the enemy with 3849 Power added to P. Atk. Over-hit. Ignores Shield Defense. Critical
  • Skill0920 0.jpgPower Crush 38 lvl - Attacks the enemy with 3588 Power added to P. Atk. Over-hit and Critical hit are possible
  • Skill0526 0.jpgEnuma Elish - Supplements the user's P. Atk. with 6060 Power while using the mighty Sword of Creation. Over-hit is possible.

Human phoenix knight.png
Phoenix Knight

  • Skill0984 0.jpgShield Strike lvl 22 - Attacks the enemy using a shield with 4399 Power added to P. Atk, and provokes the enemy. Requires a shield.
  • Skill0985 0.jpgChallenge for Fate - Challenges enemies and draws attention. Increases your P. Def. and M. Def for 15 seconds.
  • Skill0785 0.jpgFlame Archon - Self buff now. For 1 minute, increases resistance to de-buff attacks by 20%, P. Def. by 25%, M. Def. by 25%, Atk. Spd. by 15%, Accuracy by 3, Speed by 15, and resistance to buff canceling attacks by 25%. Decreases the effectiveness of received recovery magic by 80%. When a sword is equipped, increases Critical Rate by 50. When a blunt is equipped, increases Critical Damage by 50%.

Human hell knight.png
Hell Knight

  • Skill0984 0.jpgShield Strike lvl 22 - Attacks the enemy using a shield with 4399 Power added to P. Atk, and provokes the enemy. Requires a shield.
  • Skill0985 0.jpgChallenge for Fate - Challenges enemies and draws attention. Increases your P. Def. and M. Def for 15 seconds.
  • Skill0763 0.jpgHell Scream - Roars with the voice of hell. For 8 seconds, decreases the nearby enemies' P. Def. by 30%, M. Def. by 30%, Speed by 30%. Inflicts fear and causes them to flee.
  • Skill0762 0.jpgInsane Crusher lvl 5 - Decreases nearby enemies' P. Def. by 25%, M. Def. by 25%, decreases resistance to de-buff attacks. Power 3344.

Human adventurer.png

  • Skill0928 1 0.jpgDual Blow lvl 2 - Attacks the target's vital points with 12234 Power added to P. Atk. Lethal Strike is possible. Half Kill is possible. Critical hit is possible. Over-hit is possible. Requires a dual dagger to be equipped.
  • Skill0991 0.jpgThrowing Dagger lvl 4 - Attacks the enemy by throwing a dagger with 5383 Power added to P. Atk. and decreases Speed by 80% for 10 seconds. Requires a dagger to be equipped

Human sagittarius.png

  • Skill0987 0.jpgMultiple Shot lvl 1 - Attacks multiple enemies with 11030 Power added to P. Atk. Over-hit and Critical hit are possible. Requires a bow/crossbow. Re-use time = 60 sec.
  • Skill0990 0.jpgDeath Shot lvl 2 - Shoots an arrow that is aimed to kill. Attacks the enemy with 12997 Power added to P. Atk. Over-hit possible. Critical hit possible. Requires a bow to be equipped.

Skill1492 0.jpg Mystic

Human archmage.png

  • Skill1467 0.jpgMeteor - Crashes down meteors to inflict continuous fire damage near the enemy with 117 Power. For 10 seconds, inflicts continuous fire damage.
  • Skill1556 0.jpgArcane Shield lvl 2 - For 10 seconds, decreases the damage received by 70% and turns the remaining damage into MP Consumption. When MP becomes 0, the skill's effect disappears.
  • Skill1532 0.jpgEnlightenment lvl 2 - User receives mystical enlightenment for 20 seconds, increasing M. Atk. by 40%, Casting Spd. by 20% and M. Critical Rate by 50%, and decreasing MP Consumption by 90%.
  • Skill1555 0.jpgAura Cannon - Inflicts non-attribute damage on the enemy with 178 Power added to M. Atk. and recovers MP. Inflicts additional non-attribute damage with 124 Power if the target is a monster.
  • Skill1419 0.jpgVolcano - Reducing rollback to 30 minutes.
  • Skill1417 0.jpgAura Flash - skill no longer has a fixed cooldown.
  • Skill1056 0.jpgCancellation - skill no longer has a fixed cooldown.

Human soultaker.png

  • Skill1467 0.jpgMeteor - Crashes down meteors to inflict continuous fire damage near the enemy with 117 Power. For 10 seconds, inflicts continuous fire damage.
  • Skill1532 0.jpgEnlightenment lvl 1 - User receives mystical enlightenment for 20 seconds, increasing M. Atk. by 20%, Casting Spd. by 10% and M. Critical Rate by 25%, and decreasing MP Consumption by 90%.
  • Skill1262 0.jpgTransfer Pain lvl 5 - Redirects 50% of Summoner's Damage to Servant.
  • Skill1423 0.jpgGehenna - Reducing rollback to 30 minutes.

Human arcana lord.png
Arcana Lord

  • Skill1220 0.jpg Blaze lvl 14 - Ignites flames on the user's body with 67 Power, inflicting Fire damage on an enemy.
  • Skill1498 0.jpgMutual Response - Creates chance to regenerate servitor's HP and MP when attacking.
  • Skilltransform1 0.jpgSpirit of the Cat - Harness the spirit of your servitor. This skill transforms you into a Human/Cat hybrid with specialized skills for 5 minutes.
  • Skill1558 0.jpgDimension Spiral lvl 21 - Creates a tear in the dimension to inflict damage on the enemy with 95 Power added to M. Atk. Over-hit is possible. Additional power for monsters: 71. Over-hit.
  • Skill1496 0.jpgServitor Barrier - Temporarily grants to servant invulnerability. Absorbs 5 Spirit Ore.

Human cardinal.png

  • Skill1532 0.jpgEnlightenment lvl 2 - healing effectiveness by 600, Atk. Magic by 30% and MP consumption by 90%. Duration: 20 sec.

Human hierophant.png

  • Skill1553 0.jpgChain Heal - Recovers the target and the 10 most injured allies around the target by 30% of their Max HP. The recovery amount decreases starting from the most injured person. Requires 4 Spirit Ore.
  • Skill1532 0.jpgEnlightenment lvl 2 - healing effectiveness by 600, Atk. Magic by 30% and MP consumption by 90%. Duration: 20 sec.
  • Skill1028 0.jpgMight of Heaven - Added the ability to attack other players.


Skill0772 0.jpg Fighter

Elf evas templar.png
Eva's Templar

  • Skill0984 0.jpgShield Strike lvl 22 - Attacks the enemy using a shield with 4399 Power added to P. Atk, and provokes the enemy. Requires a shield.
  • Skill0985 0.jpgChallenge for Fate - Challenges enemies and draws attention. Increases your P. Def. and M. Def for 15 seconds.
  • Skill0787 0.jpgTouch of Eva - Self buff now. Restores HP by 25%. For 1 minute, increases Buff-canceling Attack Resistance by 50%, the Healing power received by 15%, and received HP Recovery Magic Power by 15%. Restores 50 HP every second.

Elf sword muse.png
Sword Muse

  • Skill0986 0.jpgDeadly Strike lvl 22 - Attacks the enemy with 4812 Power added to P. Atk. Cannot be used when a bow/fist weapon is equipped. Over-hit is possible.
  • Skill0526 0.jpgEnuma Elish - Supplements the user's P. Atk. with 6060 Power while using the mighty Sword of Creation. Over-hit is possible.

Elf wind rider.png
Wind Rider

  • Skill0928 1 0.jpgDual Blow lvl 2 - Attacks the target's vital points with 12234 Power added to P. Atk. Lethal Strike is possible. Half Kill is possible. Critical hit is possible. Over-hit is possible. Requires a dual dagger to be equipped
  • Skill0991 0.jpgThrowing Dagger lvl 4 - Attacks the enemy by throwing a dagger with 5383 Power added to P. Atk. and decreases Speed by 80% for 10 seconds. Requires a dagger to be equipped

Elf moonlight sentinel.png

Moonlight Sentinel

  • Skill0987 0.jpgMultiple Shot lvl 1 - Attacks multiple enemies with 11030 Power added to P. Atk. Over-hit and Critical hit are possible. Requires a bow/crossbow. Re-use time = 60 sec.
  • Skill0990 0.jpgDeath Shot lvl 2 - Shoots an arrow that is aimed to kill. Attacks the enemy with 12997 Power added to P. Atk. Over-hit possible. Critical hit possible. Requires a bow to be equipped.

Skill1493 0.jpg Mystic

Elf mystic muse.png
Mystic Muse

  • Skill1468 0.jpgStar Fall - Crashes down meteors to inflict continuous non-attribute damage near the enemy with 117 Power. For 10 seconds, inflicts continuous non-attribute damage.
  • Skill1556 0.jpgArcane Shield lvl 2 - For 10 seconds, decreases the damage received by 70% and turns the remaining damage into MP Consumption. When MP becomes 0, the skill's effect disappears.
  • Skill1532 0.jpgEnlightenment lvl 2 - User receives mystical enlightenment for 20 seconds, increasing M. Atk. by 40%, Casting Spd. by 20% and M. Critical Rate by 50%, and decreasing MP Consumption by 90%.
  • Skill1555 0.jpgAura Cannon - Inflicts non-attribute damage on the enemy with 178 Power added to M. Atk. and recovers MP. Inflicts additional non-attribute damage with 124 Power if the target is a monster.
  • Skill1421 0.jpgRaging Waves - Reducing rollback to 30 minutes.
  • Skill1417 0.jpgAura Flash - skill no longer has a fixed cooldown.
  • Skill1056 0.jpgCancellation - skill no longer has a fixed cooldown.

Elf elemental master.png
Elemental Master

  • Skill1175 0.jpg Aqua Sqwirl lvl 14 - Supplements the user's M. Atk. with 67 Power to create a powerful vortex of Water that inflicts Water damage on an enemy.
  • Skilltransform1 0.jpgSpirit of the Unicorn - Allows you to use unicorn skills for 5 min. Summoned creature disappears.
  • Skill1498 0.jpgMutual Response - Creates chance to regenerate servitor's HP and MP when attacking.
  • Skill1496 0.jpgServitor Barrier - Temporarily grants to servant invulnerability. Absorbs 5 Spirit Ore.

Elf evas saint.png

Eva's Saint

  • Skill1553 0.jpgChain Heal - Recovers the target and the 10 most injured allies around the target by 30% of their Max HP. The recovery amount decreases starting from the most injured person. Requires 4 Spirit Ore.
  • Skill1532 0.jpgEnlightenment lvl 2 - healing effectiveness by 600, Atk. Magic by 30% and MP consumption by 90%. Duration: 20 sec.

Dark elf

Skill0773 0.jpg Fighter

Darkelf shillien templar.png
Shillien Templar

  • Skill0984 0.jpgShield Strike lvl 22 - Attacks the enemy using a shield with 4399 Power added to P. Atk, and provokes the enemy. Requires a shield.
  • Skill0985 0.jpgChallenge for Fate - Challenges enemies and draws attention. Increases your P. Def. and M. Def for 15 seconds.
  • Skill0789 0.jpgSpirit of Shilen - Self buff now. For 1 minute, increases P. Atk. by 15%, Speed by 15, Atk. Spd. by 15%, Critical Rate when a sword is equipped by 50, and Critical Damage when a blunt weapon is equipped by 50%. Recovers as HP 20% of the damage inflicted on the enemy with a certain probability. Decreases the Healing power received by 80%.

Darkelf spectral dancer.png
Spectral Dancer

  • Skill0986 0.jpgDeadly Strike lvl 22 - Attacks the enemy with 7635 Power added to P. Atk. Cannot be used when a bow/fist weapon is equipped. Over-hit is possible.
  • Skill0526 0.jpgEnuma Elish - Supplements the user's P. Atk. with 6060 Power while using the mighty Sword of Creation. Over-hit is possible.

Darkelf ghost hunter.png
Ghost Hunter

  • Skill0928 1 0.jpgDual Blow lvl 2 - Attacks the target's vital points with 12234 Power added to P. Atk. Lethal Strike is possible. Half Kill is possible. Critical hit is possible. Over-hit is possible. Requires a dual dagger to be equipped
  • Skill0991 0.jpgThrowing Dagger lvl 4 - Attacks the enemy by throwing a dagger with 5383 Power added to P. Atk. and decreases Speed by 80% for 10 seconds. Requires a dagger to be equipped

Darkelf ghost sentinel.png

  • Skill0987 0.jpgMultiple Shot lvl 1 - Attacks multiple enemies with 11030 Power added to P. Atk. Over-hit and Critical hit are possible. Requires a bow/crossbow. Re-use time = 60 sec.
  • Skill0990 0.jpgDeath Shot lvl 2 - Shoots an arrow that is aimed to kill. Attacks the enemy with 12997 Power added to P. Atk. Over-hit possible. Critical hit possible. Requires a bow to be equipped.

Skill1494 0.jpg Mystic

Darkelf storm screamer.png
Storm Screamer

  • Skill1468 0.jpgStar Fall - Crashes down meteors to inflict continuous non-attribute damage near the enemy with 117 Power. For 10 seconds, inflicts continuous non-attribute damage.
  • Skill1556 0.jpgArcane Shield lvl 2 - For 10 seconds, decreases the damage received by 70% and turns the remaining damage into MP Consumption. When MP becomes 0, the skill's effect disappears.
  • Skill1532 0.jpgEnlightenment lvl 2 - User receives mystical enlightenment for 20 seconds, increasing M. Atk. by 40%, Casting Spd. by 20% and M. Critical Rate by 50%, and decreasing MP Consumption by 90%.
  • Skill1555 0.jpgAura Cannon - Inflicts non-attribute damage on the enemy with 178 Power added to M. Atk. and recovers MP. Inflicts additional non-attribute damage with 124 Power if the target is a monster.
  • Skill1420 0.jpgCyclone - Reducing rollback to 30 minutes.
  • Skill1417 0.jpgAura Flash - skill no longer has a fixed cooldown.

Darkelf spectral master.png
Spectral Master

  • Skilltransform1 0.jpgSpirit of the Demon - Allows to use demon skills for 5 min. The summoned creature disappears.
  • Skill1498 0.jpgMutual Response - Creates chance to regenerate servitor's HP and MP when attacking.
  • Skill1496 0.jpgServitor Barrier - Temporarily grants to servant invulnerability. Absorbs 5 Spirit Ore.

Darkelf shillien saint.png
Shillien Saint

  • Skill1553 0.jpgChain Heal - Recovers the target and the 10 most injured allies around the target by 30% of their Max HP. The recovery amount decreases starting from the most injured person. Requires 4 Spirit Ore.
  • Skill1532 0.jpgEnlightenment lvl 2 - healing effectiveness by 600, Atk. Magic by 30% and MP consumption by 90%. Duration: 20 sec.


Skill0918 0.jpg Fighter

Orc titan.png

  • Skill0526 0.jpgEnuma Elish - Supplements the user's P. Atk. with 6060 Power while using the mighty Sword of Creation. Over-hit is possible.
  • Skill0497 0.jpgCrushing Pain - Supplements the user's P. Atk. by 7635 Power in a crushing blow. Increases Power upon the consumption of up to 5 souls. Over-hit is possible. Ignores Shield Defense

Orc grand khavatari.png
Grand Khavatari

  • Skill0776 0.jpgForce of Destruction - Attacks the enemy with 4500 Power added to P. Atk. and penetrates the target with destructive energy. Chi Energy Stage 2 Recharge needed. Requires a hand-to-hand combat weapon. Over-hit and Critical are possible.

Skill0949 0.jpg Mystic

Orc dominator.png

  • Skill1553 0.jpgChain Heal - Recovers the target and the 10 most injured allies around the target by 30% of their Max HP. The recovery amount decreases starting from the most injured person. Requires 4 Spirit Ore.
  • Skill1515 0.jpgLightning Barrier - Spreads lightning's defensive barrier for 2 minutes. Paralyzes the target that attacked you. Cooldown - 5 minutes.
  • Skill0791 0.jpgLightning Shock - Sends an electric current to attack nearby enemies with 69 power added to M. Atk. Makes the enemy's body rigid for 5 seconds, then paralyzed for 5 seconds. Cooldown 10 seconds. MP consumption 209.

Orc doomcryer.png

  • Skill1553 0.jpgChain Heal - Recovers the target and the 10 most injured allies around the target by 30% of their Max HP. The recovery amount decreases starting from the most injured person. Requires 4 Spirit Ore.
  • Skill1515 0.jpgLightning Barrier - Spreads lightning's defensive barrier for 2 minutes. Paralyzes the target that attacked you. Cooldown - 5 minutes.
  • Skill0791 0.jpgLightning Shock - Sends an electric current to attack nearby enemies with 69 power added to M. Atk. Makes the enemy's body rigid for 5 seconds, then paralyzed for 5 seconds. Cooldown 10 seconds. MP consumption 209.


Dwarf fortune seeker.png

Fortune Seeker

  • Skill0526 0.jpgEnuma Elish - Supplements the user's P. Atk. with 6060 Power while using the mighty Sword of Creation. Over-hit is possible.
  • Skill0794 0.jpgMass Disarm - Disarms nearby enemies for 5 seconds.
  • Skill0991 0.jpgThrowing Dagger lvl 4 - Attacks the enemy by throwing a dagger with 5383 Power added to P. Atk. and decreases Speed by 80% for 10 seconds. Requires a dagger to be equipped
  • Skill0344 0.jpgLethal Blow - Attacks the target's vital points with 5773 Power added to P. Atk. Requires a dagger. Over-hit. Half-kill.
  • Skill0997 0.jpgCrushing Strike lvl 22 - Inflicts shock on the enemy with 5390 Power added to P. Atk, decreasing the target's P. Def. and M. Def. by 10% for 3 seconds. Requires a sword or blunt weapon to be equipped. Over-hit.

Dwarf maestro.png

  • Skill0526 0.jpgEnuma Elish - Supplements the user's P. Atk. with 6060 Power while using the mighty Sword of Creation. Over-hit is possible.
  • Skill0497 0.jpgCrushing Pain - Supplements the user's P. Atk. by 7635 Power in a crushing blow. Increases Power upon the consumption of up to 5 souls. Over-hit is possible. Ignores Shield Defense
  • Skill0794 0.jpgMass Disarm - Disarms nearby enemies for 5 seconds.

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