Legendary Weapon
Sword of Rock'n'Rolla - Earth (Critical, Health, Power)
Sword of Rock'n'Rolla (Critical) - Critical -111, Critical Damage - 5%. Masterwork Item that increases max HP 492 and Critical - 61.
Sword of Rock'n'Rolla (Health) - HP - 25%, CP - 10%. Masterwork Item that increases max HP 492 and Critical - 61.
Sword of Rock'n'Rolla (Power) - Physical Damage - 10%, Skill Damage -5%. Masterwork Item that increases max HP 492 and Critical - 61.
Legendary Magic Sword - Earth (Acumen, Mana UP, Conversion)
Legendary Magic Sword (Acumen) - Casting Speed - 15%. Magical Attack - 5%. Masterwork Item that increases max HP 492 and Magical Attack - 5%.
Legendary Magic Sword (Mana UP) - MP - 30%, Casting Speed - 10%. Masterwork Item that increases max HP 492 and Magical Attack - 5%.
Legendary Magic Sword (Conversion) - MP - 60%, Casting Speed - 10%, -40% HP. Masterwork Item that increases max HP 492 and Magical Attack - 5%.
Triumph Bow - Great Gale (Critical, Power, Speed)
Triumph Bow (Critical) - Critical Chanse - 116, Critical Power - 5%. Masterwork Item that increases Atk. Spd. 5% and Attack range - 50.
Triumph Bow (Power) - Physical Attack - 10%, Skill Power -5%. Masterwork Item that increases Atk. Spd. 5% and Attack range - 50.
Triumph Bow (Speed) - Attack Speed - 10%, Speed 5. Masterwork Item that increases Atk. Spd. 5% and Attack range - 50.
Legendary Dagger - Great Gale (Critical, Speed, Critical Power)
Legendary Dagger (Critical) - Critical 116, Critical Power - 5%. Masterwork Item that increases Atk. Spd. 5% and Critical Power 10%
Legendary Dagger (Speed) - Attack Speed 10%, Speed - 5. Masterwork Item that increases Atk. Spd. 5% and Critical Power 10%.
Legendary Dagger (Critical Power) - Critical Power 10%, Skill Power 5%. Masterwork Item that increases Atk. Spd. 5% and Critical Power 10%.

Tears One handed-blund Weapon (Health) - HP - 25%, CP - 10%. Masterwork Item that has the stun effect occasionally when hitting.
Tears One handed-blund Weapon (Power) - Physical Damage - 10%, Skill Damage -5%.Masterwork Item that has the stun effect occasionally when hitting.
Tears One handed-blund Weapon (Rsk Critical) - Critical - 165, Critical Power 10%. Masterwork Item that has the stun effect occasionally when hitting.
Mordil's Fun - Earth (Acumen, Mana UP, Conversion)
Dynasty Mace (Acumen) - Casting Speed - 15%, Magical Attack - 5%. Masterwork Item that increases max HP 492 and P.Def. - 5%.
Dynasty Mace (Mana UP) - MP - 30%, Casting Speed - 10%. Masterwork Item that increases max HP 492 and P.Def. - 5%.
Dynasty Mace (Conversion) - MP - 60%, Casting Speed - 10%, -40% HP. Masterwork Item that increases max HP 492 and P.Def. - 5%.
Legendary Staff - Earth (Acumen, Mana UP, Empower)
Legendary Staff (Acumen) - Casting Speed - 15%, Magical Attack - 5%. Masterwork Item that increases max HP 492 and Magical Attack - 5%.
Legendary Staff (Mana UP) - MP - 30%, Casting Speed - 10%. Masterwork Item that increases max HP 492 and Magical Attack - 5%.
Legendary Staff (Empower) - M. Atk. 10%, Casting Speed - 10%. Masterwork Item that increases max HP 492 and Magical Attack - 5%.
Legendary Crusher - Great Gale (Health, Power, Rsk Critical)
Legendary Crusher (Health) - HP - 25%, CP - 10%. Masterwork Item that increases Atk. Spd. 5% and Critical Power 5%.
Legendary Crusher (Critical) - Critical - 106, Critical Power -5%.Masterwork Item that increases Atk. Spd. 5% and Critical Power 5%.
Legendary Crusher (Rsk Critical) - Critical - 165, Critical Power 10%.Masterwork Item that increases Atk. Spd. 5% and Critical Power 5%.
Legendary Jade Claw - Great Gale (Speed, Critical, Health)
Legendary Jade Claw (Speed) - Attack Speed 10%, Speed - 5. Masterwork Item that increases Atk. Spd. 5% and P. Atk 5%
Legendary Jade Claw (Critical) - Critical 106, Critical Power - 5%. Masterwork Item that increases Atk. Spd. 5% and P. Atk 5%
Legendary Jade Claw (Health) - HP - 25%, CP - 10%. Masterwork Item that increases Atk. Spd. 5% and P. Atk 5%
Legendary Spear - Earth (Health, Speed, Power)
Legendary Spear (Health) - HP - 25%, CP - 10%. Masterwork Item that increases max HP 492 and Chance Stun Skill +20%.
Legendary Spear (Speed) - Atk Spd - 10% Speed by 5. Masterwork Item that increases max HP 492 and Chance Stun Skill +20%.
Legendary Spear (Power) - Physical Damage - 10%, Skill Damage -10%. Masterwork Item that increases max HP 492 and Chance Stun Skill +20%.
Butcher Blades - Great Gale - +4 Critical 109, Critical Damage 10%. Masterwork Item that increases Atk. Spd. 5% and Fatal Blow Rate 10%, Evasion by 4.
Blades of Delusion - Earth - +4 Max HP 20% Max CP 35% Max MP 25%. Masterwork Item that increases max HP 492 and decreases the range of bow occasionally during an attack.
- Brooch and Gems,
- Battle pass,
- Attendance Check,
- Change in the Ability Point system,
- Weapon Augmentation,
- Penalty system,
- 82 level and new skills,
- New mounts,
- Hero weapon update,
- Getting of Icarus Weapons and Moirai Equipment,
- Changes in system of Castles, Fortresses and Clan Halls,
- Changes of Special abilities in Weapons,
- Weapon Icarus and Armor Moirai,
- Daily Bosses,
- [Instance Zone] Fight with Zaken,
- [Instance Zone] Death Knights,
- Enchanted equipment,
- Legendary Boss - Overseer of the Fortress,
- Dungeon in The Castle and Fortress,
- Olympiad store,
- Freya,
- Characteristics of Dynasty equipment,
- How to get Dynasty Weapon and Armor,
- Legendary Jewelry,
- Hellbound,
- Daily Missions Remastered.