Options "Valhalla"



For the convenience of the game, new options "Valhalla" have been developed.



  • Target region effect - enable/disable the yellow target mark:


    Alternatively, change the following line in the Option.ini file in the [Shock] block:

    • TargetRegionEffect=True (if required, set False)
  • Serious damage effect - enable/disable bloody blinking when HP is low:


    Alternatively, change the following line in the Option.ini file in the [Shock] block:

    • ShowSeriousDamageEffect=True (if required, set False)
  • Alt press - Lock move - reassigning ALT+Click to SHIFT+Click - call the context menu of another character, thereby holding ALT no longer blocks the character's movement. The context menu only works in a peaceful zone.


    Alternatively, change the following line in the Option.ini file in the [Shock] block:

    • AltLockMove=False (if required, set True)
  • Show casting bar - enable/disable the display of the spellcasting bar:


    This setting is for your character. To enable/disable for a target, use the setting - Skill Casting Bar.


  • Use Legasy Icons - enable/disable the old look of all icons:

    Alternatively, change the following line in the Option.ini file in the [Shock] block:

    • UseOldIcons=False (if required, set True)
  • Show SysMsg Id - enable/disable display of system message ID:


    Alternatively, change the following line in the Option.ini file in the [Shock] block:

    • ShowSysMsgId=True (set False if required)
  • Setting for grouping game windows:
    • ungroup windows (default) - Multiwin=0
    • group windows with the same launch path - Multiwin=1
    • force ungroup windows, ignoring system settings - Multiwin=2

      Alternatively, change the following line in the Option.ini file in the [Shock] block:

      • Multiwin=0 (if required, set 1 or 2)
  • Setting the frameless mode:
    • off - UseWindowFrame=true (ticked)
    • enabled - UseWindowFrame=false (no check mark)

      Alternatively, change the following line in the Option.ini file in the [Shock] block:

      • UseWindowFrame=True (if required, set False)
  • Number of dedicated game client cache:
    • recommended values for playing 3-5 windows: 128 or 256 (for systems with 8 and 16 GB of RAM)
    • recommended value for playing 1-2 windows: 512 (for systems from 8 GB of RAM)
    • recommended values for playing in 6-8 windows: 64 or 128 (for systems with 8 and 16 GB of RAM)

      Alternatively, change the following line in the Option.ini file in the [Shock] block:

      • CacheSizeMegs=512 (set the value you want)
  • Setting FPS on an inactive game window:
    • Max=60 (you can also set the value you need)
    • Min=10
    • Important: it works only if the "Optimize Performance\Reduce system load" checkbox is checked in the game settings
  • .lock - protecting your character from scam and unauthorized access. More details on the link.

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